1997 Daihatsu Fourtrak TDX 2.8 intercooled turbo diesel


Excellent value for money, reliable and economic


Have had a noise from underneath car that I think is loose engine mount.

Also there is a fault with the gear jumping out of second into neutral which I think is connected to the engine mount.

No other problems.

General Comments:

This is an excellent performing, economic and reliable 4x4. It has great torque, and is good on the hills. Even on road tyres it has handled itself well off-road.

It may be not quite as refined as other 4wds, but is well built and should last for 10 + years with little problems. Despite being shed-like in experience it has good performance and excellent economy at 35mpg.

The only negative I can see is loud engine noise.

I had a 1991 Rugger before which is essentially the same vehicle, but the fourtrak is immensely better truck.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 21st August, 2006

14th Mar 2011, 10:33

35 MPG? Nobody I know reckons on getting more than 29 - 30 MPG. Can anybody else confirm 35 MPG?

25th Feb 2012, 02:32

Yup, 1996 2.8 TDS SWB on standard Falken AT tyres, 34 MPG on road, which drops off road naturally.