1990 Suzuki Sierra JX 1.3L N/A petrol


The most inexpensive, reliable 4WD ever!


Apart from the obvious servicing of the Sierra, I did bend my front axle in some sand dune, just north of Yanchep, due to excessive speed and a large bump, however could have easily been prevented.

I am just about to change the clutch, but it has the original clutch from the factory still in it, and it is just about to crack 162,000km.

Oh and it popped a radiator hose, no biggie, but other than that nothing.

General Comments:

If you are after a comfortable on road 4WD, don't buy a Sierra, but if you are a off-road fanatic, I recommend a Sierra to you!

It tends to get blown around a bit on the highways, nut off-road my car has out performed many landys and patrols!

The best 4WD ever I reckon!

The fuel burn is obviously a lot less than bigger 4WD, s, but I get between 10 - 13L per 100km, partly to do with my 2 inch exhaust though... but before I had that installed I got around 8.5L/100km, so not too bad I think.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 31st August, 2006

1990 Suzuki Sierra LX 1.3 unleaded


A fun project for a serious four wheel driver!


I have had to replace both the clutch and the accelerator cables.

The carburettor has also had to be restored as it was worn in places and missing parts.

Shattered the drive shaft after a run over some very big rocks.

General Comments:

A very fun and small four wheel drive. I have enjoyed taking it off-road and enjoyed making it more off-road able, with it being a reasonably cheap car to modify, and run.

It isn't a very fast on-road vehicle, but it runs like it was built for the wilderness.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 16th November, 2003

1990 Suzuki Sierra JX 1.3 carburettor


The greatest and most reliable cheap little on and off-road machine!


Nothing. Just the usually tyre, oil, fan and timing belt changes. Just incredible!

General Comments:

This has to be the most amazing car I have ever known. It still runs like a dream. All I have had to do is replace the oil and filter every 12000km and keep the engine well tuned. As long as they are looked after these cars will last forever.

Off-road it's unstoppable.

The simple rule with these cars is, give them TLC and they will give you many years of fun.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 13th November, 2000