1992 Citroen AX 1.1i
My best friend when it rains!
I've had a lot of problems with the brake disks, but after having them changed a few times they are now working perfectly.
Right and left "front-arm" changed (the one who holds the front wheels).
The generator was changed at approx. 95000 km.
General Comments:
It may not be the most fancy or high-tech car in the world, but it runs smoothly and I haven't faced any major problems that couldn't be found in any other car at the age of 11!
And it has absolutely NO corrosion apart from small cracks and bumps here and there.
I believe that it is a good and rather swift little car, and it brings me safe and sound from A to B.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes
Review Date: 21st July, 2003
2nd Feb 2007, 16:39
I have a k-reg ax debut my first car and had nothing, but hassle with it the last 6 months, the biggest job was the matrix heater had to be replaced. I'm busy getting her modified its half way to been finished just the low profile front bumper to go on and then re-sprayed! I just hope she doesn't end up on the scrap heap before then!!
28th Jul 2006, 13:13
I have an AX and would love to put a body kit in it, amongst other customisable parts, however I just bought it 6 months ago, and it's already 12 years old. Only 70,000 miles on it though. My problem is that I haven't got a clue how long it will last.