1998 Hyundai Atoz 999
Solved many problems.
The front headlights tended to loss transperancy gradually until it became dark it might be for the sun and heat of Egypt.
I changed the left front axle shaft at 80,000 kilometers, but I don't consider it as a bad thing because every thing has a life time.
Something I really don't like is that the fuel tank door doesn't have a lock so its very easy for anybody to open it...and guess what he can do??? (",)
General Comments:
It's a very nice & good looking car, you can rich anywhere you want easily, and parking without problems.
Something very useful are the two big door mirrors which can reflect a major area than others.
Its large inside, every one seating really enjoy himself with the free space for legs.
Something not to be forgotten is that it is a very economical car.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes
Review Date: 20th December, 2005