1984 Isuzu Gemini LD 1.8 diesel


It is the best deal


Nothing at all, actually it is the best car. I know that no one would believe it that till now, also it is performing really very excellently. And till now it has not given us any big trouble.

General Comments:

It is the best mid sized car built by Isuzu Motors Japan. And they proved that they are best in automotive technology.

I have used this car for the last twenty years in India where no vehicle lives for this long.

And now I am planning to go in for a new car if any are available from Isuzu Motors.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 15th April, 2004

29th Jun 2012, 23:07

Gemini diesel's are the best car ever made!!!

23rd Feb 2013, 23:28

There are several of these with 1 million km or more. Such a great reliable car with the bulletproof Isuzu diesel. Car makers haven't learned much in 30 years with the cheap crap they make now. The Gemini could get 50 MPG no problems!!

13th Dec 2014, 03:11

Yes, the Isuzu 4FB1 was a fantastic engine that would last forever with regular oil changes. They were way overbuilt, like a truck engine with piston squirters, steel forged con rods, chrome bore and cast iron head!!