1991 Volvo 940 GL 2.0 petrol
Looks like it is going to last forever
Bought the car with a none working A/C. A/C was fixed for 150$ - faulty control unit. - soldering problem.
Electrical passenger window did not work.
Cleaned the electric window switch for 0$. - did it myself.
Changed 2 tires.
Replaced a bad steering bar 20$ for the part.
Nothing else for now.
General Comments:
Bought the car for 3000$, a rare manual transmission here in Israel.
The car feels very solid.
It handles well on long rides, has a very small turning radius (RWD effect I guess).
I like the roar of the engine when revving up from idle and the boxy looks.
This car has alloy wheels with 205 cm tires, which makes it look very massive.
Reliability is good, though I've only done 11000 Km till now.
Gas milage is 1 liter per 9-10Km.
I am planning on using this car till it dies.
I do not drive it much; only about 10-15Km a day to the train station and back, so I won't be adding much mileage on it in the coming year.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes
Review Date: 4th April, 2007
4th Apr 2007, 12:32
You might want to consider driving more than 1000miles before claiming it will run forever.