1998 Proton Iswara iswara aeroback 1.3
Budget car
General Comments:
It is people who kept saying we should be thankful that we have a car, when others are listing the Actual problems they have with their iswara, that kept the car's quality the way it is from its first production until now. Of course we are thankful to have cars, but not so thankful to close our eyes to the cars' faults that we bought with our hard earned cash.
And if the manufacturer actually takes notes of the complains and put more into QC it would probably be world renown, since it is already cheap and nice looking, and quite comfy - all things aside.
I actually liked my iswara very much. It's old, but I would still choose it over a new myvi. But I am just too frustrated over all its "hiccups" over the years, and I can definitely see a new car coming in the near future.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes
Review Date: 7th May, 2007
23rd Oct 2008, 02:01
Agree.. I also own an iswara sedan 1997.. after 11 years riding it.. it's a cheap car.. well you know what I meant..