1987 Chevrolet S-10 Tahoe 2.8 V6


Makes for a good beater and off-road toy


Windows are designed stupidly, so when the rubber goes bad, the glass likes to fall into the door.

Pennsylvania winters have turned it into a rolling rust bucket.

Motor has a misfire and (very) occasionally will die.

Shifter has gotten sloppy, so it is tricky to get things like reverse lights to work.

Headliner is falling down.

Rusted brake lines.

General Comments:

I owned an 87 S-10 Blazer when I was fresh out of high school, and the S-10 Tahoe is its pickup truck twin brother... so clearly I liked the 87 S-10 enough to buy a second one after the Blazer was destroyed in an accident.

They're good vehicles. This truck takes me everywhere I want to go, and very rarely does it give me any grief, which isn't all that common for a 25 year old vehicle.

The seats are comfortable, but they don't tilt, so if you're a short guy like me, you'll always feel like you're leaning back just a little too far.

The V6 is quite under-powered. This thing is SLOW from a stand-still, but it can get up to highway speeds without feeling too dangerous.

4WD has always been impressive for these little trucks. I've had this truck in mud, snow, fields, and on rocks. When I had the Blazer, it did its fair share of off-roading with little complaint.

It has rusted really badly in the doors, bed, wheel wells, etc. I just had to replace a brake line a couple weeks ago that had rusted out, but again, it's 25 years old, and has spent its entire life in Pennsylvania, where winters can be harsh and roads are frequently salted.

The back seats are tiny and would be best used for children.

I wish it had cup holders.

The heat blows crazy hot.

All-in-all a pretty good vehicle. I have very few complaints... great to drive through the winter months... and not too bad on gas for a 6-cylinder.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 22nd April, 2013

1987 Chevrolet S-10 Blazer Tahoe Limited Edition 2.8


I like S-10's and S-10 Blazers; this one is loaded and great!


Tires were worn when I got it. A man drove it from Grant, AL to Birmingham, AL every day since new, and that is why it has 329,000 miles.

It was taken care of, and it still runs good. It has a newer motor and transmission also.

I like it, even with it being lowered to the ground now!!!

General Comments:


Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 4th July, 2010

1987 Chevrolet S-10 2.8 V6


Good little commuter truck


The passenger seatbelt broke.

A/C hasn't worked since I've owned it.

Stock radio didn't work.

General Comments:

This has been a really good little truck for commuting and light hauling.

It ain't no power house, but it gets up to 70mph just fine for a little V6.

The interior is more comfortable than any other mini trucks I've owned.

I take really good care of this truck, keep it properly maintained and never shift to high.

I have had another truck just like it that I put to the test offroad, and it was surprisingly durable.

I think it will last a while.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 2nd November, 2009

1987 Chevrolet S-10 Tahoe V6


I wouldn't want to go through my last years without an S-10, both outlived the first owner


Ignition switch, starter, cigarette lighter, oil pump, water pump; all of these were replaced, except the lighter, with original salvage parts.

General Comments:

Prior to this S-10, I was driving an 88 S-10, 4 cyl, 5 speed. I gave it to a guy desperate for a ride, and he's still driving it. Interesting point, the 88 belonged to my dad, and the 87 belonged to her dad.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 15th May, 2009

1987 Chevrolet S-10 Tahoe 4x4 Long Bed 4.3 liters of goodness


Absolutely Bulletproof



I think that may be it.

General Comments:

What can you say? The truck is a freaking beast. This is when GM built it's best vehicles I guess. The truck doesn't burn a drop of oil.

I had it from the time I was 15, drove until I graduated and now my brother drives it. All I can say is we have put that truck through hell, and it hasn't even blinked. This could be the most reliable vehicle ever. 128,000 - 175,000 miles from 2000 - 2007 and only replacing a starter??!! You can decide the rest.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 25th August, 2007

22nd Jun 2016, 08:25

I purchased a 1987 Blazer with the Tahoe package off the show room floor in 1987. It was a lemon from day one. The engine was dangerous for merging into Chicago traffic. The six cylinder engine was designed to 're-burn exhaust fumes from the carburetor. Wishful thinking by the engineer that designed it.

Another problem with the power plant was that the vehicle would not make left turns on wet pavement. Only a few months after I purchased it, I found myself attempting to make a left turn when a car in the left turning aisle suddenly changed lanes and increased speed. After several seconds of terror I managed to straighten out the Blazer so that if my attacker was going to hit me, it would have to be head on. This person opted not to do that, but managed to swerve into the rear wheel well, destroying the axle.

As for being bulletproof, in those days in Chicago we had a ball player named Michael Jordan who also owned a Blazer and who GM used in an ubiquitous media sales campaign. Every kid in the city wanted one. One night one of them broke into my truck and tried to run down a police officer with it. I can end this story here. When the smoke cleared I lost $7.000. And I never got to use it to tow my snowmobiles to Wisconsin; the purpose for which it was bought.