1947 Chevrolet Thriftmaster 3600 216


This pickup is the best


The motor needed to be rebuilt.

The exhaust needed to be replaced.

General Comments:

This pickup can handle any load I need to haul. I would rate this pickup as being better than any of the heavy duty pickups built today. This pickup is the standard other pickups are built to.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 23rd June, 2005

25th Jun 2005, 19:52

Wow. A 1947 truck. Old... but cool, nonetheless.

30th Aug 2009, 03:21

Wow, it's great to know that people are still driving these old beauties!!!

I may only be 19, but I know that NOTHING is made as good as it was back in the day. Back when they made things to last!!!

So my dad and me bought a 1958 Chevy Apache, and are now driving that around instead of the 2008 Nissan Frontier...

Gotta love the old trucks, that were built to never die!!!