1999 Dodge Durango SLT 5.9


She loves her gas


I think that they should have replaced the ball joints when they found out about a problem.

I went and replaced the upper and lower ball joints.

I also replaced the inner outer ties rods.

New shocks brakes tires.

There is a sensor in the transmission that had to be replaced under the extra coverage I bought. but they would not pay for fluid or gasket.

General Comments:

Went to trade my durango in on a 2004 and the dealership only wanted to give me 6000 for trade. went on line to check out average trade in was 10900 and retail was 13000 they wanted to make some christmas bonus money on me.

When you go to sell or trade check the net for your area.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 15th October, 2004

1999 Dodge Durango SLT+ 5.7


Great - wish we had bought one sooner


Checking the steering alignment showed up what appeared to be worn track rod ends.

Dealer investigation (under warranty) ended up replacing entire Power Steering Rack, plus the offside upper suspension arm. Good job we had warranty!! $1700 worth of work we did not pay for.

General Comments:

As a British family living in Texas we viewed SUVs somewhat cynically, especially as the "best" we have got out of the Dodge is 16mpg, however, driving the car is a blast!

I have been off-road over some seriously poor ground and although it isn't 4x4 it has proved unstoppable.

On the freeway the drive is quiet and effortless with the cruise control engaged.

Having read some comments on reliability, absolutely nothing has gone wrong with the car since the dealer visit to sort out the steering.

Roomy and bright, 'big D' has been great fun to tour with, with plenty of room to fit us (3) plus family from UK we have entertained. Long distances are effortless and the car has never lacked the power to tour - 5000 miles with 6 people + top box + back full of junk no problem. OK, 16 mpg does mean keeping an eye on the gauge, but what do expect for something this size and engine capacity?

The local dealer is exceptionally helpful and always willing to answer questions - unlike the experiences others seem to report.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 23rd September, 2004

1999 Dodge Durango SLT Plus 5.9 V8


The Dodge Durango is an inferior product


I purchased my 1999 Dodge Durango on October 12, 1998. I have had nothing but trouble and disappointment since the purchase of this vehicle. The battery went dead within the first 90 days. This should have been my first clue to the inferior products used by Dodge Company.

At the time of my purchase, I still owned my 1991 Honda Accord, so the Durango was driven mainly on the weekends and on long distance trips. This infrequent driving did not afford me the opportunity to clearly determine the inferiority of the Dodge products. If I had known what a poor product I possessed, I would have replaced the clutch in my 10 year-old Honda for $535 instead of keeping the inferior Durango. I gave my Honda to charity in 2001. I regret not keeping the Honda and junking the Durango. I am glad that I did not donate this moving nightmare to charity. Owning a Durango has become a continuous repair nightmare. I have had to replace the front brake pads and rotors, ISP motor, O2 sensors, a leak in the coolant system, and last but not least, a transmission rebuild in July of 2004 for the tune of $2022. At the time of the transmission rebuild, I had approximately 72,000 miles on the Dodge Durango. I have spent at least $4,000 in repairs over the past 5 ½ years, not even to mention the cost of rental cars and missed time at work. I did not begin driving the car daily until 2001.

My nightmare continues daily as the oil pressure gage has been dropping to zero and back. I fear engine failure will be next. Each time this occurred in the past, I was told it was a different problem by the dealership (i.e. ISP motor, oil plug was not tightened from my last oil change, etc.). I think they were trying to evade an engine rebuild. I believe there should be some kind of class action lawsuit because Dodge continues to deny any awareness of the problem. This is not a safe vehicle for me to drive on long distance trips. I never know when the oil pressure will drop and the engine will fail. The mechanic who rebuilt my transmission says that all the Dodge transmissions are built the same and that is what keeps him busy rebuilding transmissions. He would have nothing to gain by sharing this information with me. I know he speaks the truth. I am a veteran and value loyalty and trust above all else. Dodge, you have lost a customer for life. ----------Stephanie Marietta GA.

General Comments:

This car is not worth the money you will be required to spend to keep it running.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 24th August, 2004

26th Aug 2004, 06:07

" so the Durango was driven mainly on the weekends and on long distance trips."

So in other words it sat for a week, then you jumped in and took it on a long trip. Now, if that's not hard on a cars battery then nothing is. Batteries tend to lose their life when they sit a long time.