1994 Dodge Intrepid ES 3.3 Litre




Passenger Side power window stopped working.

Water pump went out.

Radiator went out.

Ever since we have owned the car there is creaking like the bushings are shot on the rack.

Transmission is slipping and on cold mornings you need to let it warm up.

Paint has started chipping on roof.

Hood Support Rams have never held up the hood.

I have not had problems with my rotors, but I do have to change my brakes once a year or it will eat the rotors up.

Odometer stopped working and then started several months later.

Headlights adjuster broke.

Headlights get clouded and you have to replace these every few years.

Seals on doors are coming off.

Leaks oil all the time.

Heater fan makes a noise on turning the fan on and also when turning off.

I had to have the AC recharged every summer and now the compressor went out.

General Comments:

We have had nothing but problems with this car.

I will never buy another Dodge in my lifetime.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 27th March, 2003

1994 Dodge Intrepid 3.3


Clean the bugs out and it's a super car


The Air conditioner has some electrical problem, Plug it in underneath the car and the cars starts to run bad plus it has leaks. Needs repairing so right now I leave it unplugged.

Headlights were very dim on low beam and high beam. When you would hold the switch right before changing to high beam the lights would get bright. Really strange. Ended up replacing the bulbs with bright white xenon bulbs and now the switch doesn't do the same thing and the lights are much better.

Heater fan has started making a terrible noise since it got cold outside. Sounds like it hitting against something and then it goes away.

The drivers door lock and the trunk lock are not working. Thank goodness I can open the trunk from the glove compartment.

When I first got the car the transmission was acting up by shifting hard into 2nd gear, but after a good cleaning of filter and transmission fluid it has not had any problems for a year now.

General Comments:

The car does have bugs that need ironing out, but I believe it is still a very nice car once the problems are fixed.

Being fully loaded, It is extremely comfortable and give a very pleasant ride with all its extra's and plenty of room.

I just love the drivers seat and the many positions it able to be in. I do wish the seat belt angle would be slightly away from the neck. I find myself tugging on some to keep it off my neck.

Has great pick up power and cruises right along. It is a real fun car to drive.

Great inside lights throughout the car and lots of nice detail's added for comfort.

Radio works super and sound system is very nice.

Exceptional heat. You don't get cold in this car.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 19th January, 2003

22nd Feb 2004, 14:48

The reason the fan makes that noise is the plastic around the fan is broken. I had the same problem.

Good luck.

1994 Dodge Intrepid Basic 3.3


Great family car!


I can honestly say nothing has gone wrong with the car since i've bought it. Other than a cup holder breaking that's about it. I noticed that this car uses a bit more gas then my other car, but this is a V6 compared to a 4 cylinder. But I can't complain 430 km to a tank of gas. (NOT BAD for a V6)

General Comments:

This is a great family car. I would recommend this car to family's with 2-3 kids.

For anyone that claims to have had problems with there Intrepid, I can't cay I have. This car likes to be maintained on a regular basis. But then yet again it's a v6 so I can't say anymore.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 9th November, 2002