1980 Ford Bronco XLT 351M
Bronco all the way
Nothing has gone wrong with it, since I have owned it.
General Comments:
This Bronco is much tougher, and much more powerful than my previous 1985 Bronco.
The engine that some people say is not Fords best are wrong, This engine has way more power that the small block 351w, or 351c.
The 9" differential is Fords best built diff compared to the 8.8 on the later models.
My 1990 Bronco compared to the 85 and the 80 seems like it is going to fall apart when it hits little bumps on the road.
The factory air conditioner still works perfectly.
Not the best to look at, but like someone else said, "looks doesn't matter, its the performance that counts".
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes
Review Date: 29th April, 2005