1994 GMC Jimmy SLT 4.3L Vortec V6
I would trade it in for anything else, anyday
Had used Jimmy truck for 2 months, Motor Blew because gas and oil were mixing together at 122,000Km.
Heater core, fan motor, battery, and alternator (replace twice in 3 years), all quit at 125,000Km.
Electronic Instrument Panel quitting at 130,000Km. First the odometer then the spedometer won't work, lights begin to dim on all of the panel. Told that it is $1400CD new, or $500CD used.
The O-2 sensor has gone twice in the last 3 years, and my truck bogs back and forth now, for some stupid reason.
I spend $1700 a year to maintain this green beast. I have been t-boned at 60Km, on the driver side of this vehicle and sustained minimum neck injury.
I Love it and I hate it to hell. The back hatch is a pain to get into because of the Tire. No one knows how to fix it right, and the engine has always run rough at an idle. The rust is eating the back door because the Tire rubs up against it when it is open. It eats gas like no tomorrow, and I get scared when it starts to act up because it's usually a $1000.
General Comments:
This Jimmy has cost me an arm and a leg to keep up. I hate the manufacturers of this Jimmy, and if I could do it all over again, I would have walked away from this piece of overall crap. I have spent over $18,000 for a 1994 SLT, and I don't even make that amount in a year.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No
Review Date: 17th December, 2005
11th Aug 2005, 23:59
Just wanted to let everyone know that after Two Months of owning this vehicle, and spending over $1800 in repairs just to keep it on the road, and still needing another $1000-1500 in repairs to get it running right, I finally traded it in today. Needless to say I am extremely disappointed in the 92-94 GMC Jimmy's and Chevy Blazer's with the 4.3L Vortec Motor.