1997 Lexus LS 400 Coach Edition V8
It is what it is, YAWN
Aside from bringing the car into the mechanic to make sure everything is tight, and the fluids are fresh, not too much other than a brake job, but that is normal on any car.
General Comments:
I have owned BMW, Mercedes, and most recently a Volvo. I was tired of the huge repair bills that these cars can rack up. My wallet went from $500 to $0 in record time with the Euro cars.
I bought Lexus after hearing of the remarkable reliability and durability. What I found thus far is that the car lives up to its reputation to be a solid and reliable car. It has the creature comforts one would expect from a semi-upper end luxury sedan, BUT here is my personal view of the rest. I think that Lexus could have improved upon the car to be less generic Toyota looking, and add some class and style like the Euro cars.
The Nakamichi premium stereo is a joke at best, and the performance is so-so at best in comparison to the others, BUT you do get a much bigger bang for the buck with Lexus. If you have extra money to keep the Euro car on the road, I highly recommend it over Lexus. If you are looking for a bargain that keeps on ticking for little money, do the Lexus, but just be prepared to expect less performance, less style and more Japanese feel. So it has its pluses and minuses in my opinion.
When it comes down to it, I would rather have a Lexus that starts and looks like it is standing still at 100mph, rather than own a Mercedes that looks like it is going 100mph on the side of the road.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No
Review Date: 2nd June, 2009
3rd Jan 2007, 00:30
The timing belt and brakes are normal maintenance for almost every vehicle at this mileage, not just Lexus, the timing belt needs to be changed every 80k miles. Do you fault the car for having to have the oil changed too? The tires are not a Lexus fault either, they would be the fault of the tire manufacturer. The paint issues can be fixed with a good car detailer giving it a polish to buff out swirls. If you complain this much about this car, I would hate to hear what you say about every other car.