1977 Porsche 911 S Widebody 2.7
Ear to ear smile
I've had the car a short time, but when I picked it up, it was in need of some maintenance as it looked to have been enjoyed more than taken care of.
So far the front bumper (95 I believe) has been reinstalled to the proper fit and number of bolts, the fog light system, high beam and right side turn signals are now working. (Fuses!)
The car is in very good shape in the body as someone way back invested in undercoat. The interior is at about 75%, with that being mostly wear and tear except for the dash crack (crap). If you own one, you know what I mean!
The drivetrain is in good shape for its mileage, but it is going to require a trans rebuild in the future (synchros worn). Also I am currently preparing to take the alternator for a rebuild.
General Comments:
This car is not for someone whom does not want to put in some time and sweat to enjoy. It is a 32-year-old model and has been modded, so finding replacement stuff can be a challenge!
I picked it up for a toy to keep me busy, and it has not let me down at all.
Driving it is a handful of fun, but its true self cannot be seen in any kind of street traffic type of ride. You must be out in the wind and hills with no traffic around to truly become scared of what you just did in your 911.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes
Review Date: 5th June, 2010
16th May 2007, 13:26
I have a 1976 911s Targa and have to agree with the writers comments. It is my summer toy and it definitely puts a smile on my face. Taking it out on country roads for a drive beats going to a shrink for therapy.
I bought from a friend 3 years ago. It has about 163,000 miles on it without a major rebuild, just updates. Lucky I guess.
Happy driving.