2003 Peugeot 307 1.4HDI XS Premium 1.4 HDI


Beautiful and modern piece of technology


Under Warranty:

- 3 replacements of the command levers module.

- oil level measurement sporadic failure. After several trials, dealer was unable to solve the issue!

- horn sporadic failure. The root cause is a contact failure of a wire mass terminal under the driver airbag. Everyone can easily remove the airbag and solve it in 20'.

- 2 Peugeot recals: 1 for software ugrade and an other for fuel valve support replacement. No failure experienced.

- stabilizer bar was touching the car body in tight cornering making an annoying noise.

General Comments:

Even admitting I had and know about several quality problems with the 307, I must admit I love the car and I would buy it again.

The car is comfortable. Ergonomics is OK, good construction, fantastic design. The automatic AC works perfect, I never needed to make manual compensations.

The 1.4HDI unit is not enough to make it faster, but I knew what I was getting. Very good price for what you can get from this car (in Portuguese market...).

This car is really a high tech machine: the small 1.4 is a good peace of engineering, the multiplexing makes it one of the most technological cars in the market.

Excluding the minor problems I had in the very beginning, I never needed to waste not even 1€ in repairs.

The 307 is a very cheap car to maintain, spares are cheap and maintenance periods large.

Now with 58000km, I still have tyres and brake pads for more than 30.000km.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 21st October, 2005

2001 Peugeot 307 XSi 1.6 16v


A well balanced car


The little metal cap that covers the hole for the key of driver's door lock broke for no apparent reason, within 4 months. Dealer took 8 months to fix it.

A little buzz can be heard when dash is at approxiomately 2.600 RPM.

Turn indicators do not always function properly.

A message notifying me of Airbag malfunction appears everytime I start the car. Still waiting for the dealer to get it fixed.

General Comments:

A very comfortable vehicle.

Amazing seats give good support to your body.

I find the car radio most satisfactory. Only once or twice did it jump a track, and the road was awful.

Handling not as emotional as with 306 but still very effective.

Performance is good, although fuel consumption can be high if you are not careful enough with your right foot.

Balancing pros and cons, I find it a good purchase.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 2nd December, 2002