1999 Chevrolet Blazer LT 4.3


Weather seal went on passenger side around door.

Centre brake light fogs up.

Bonnet vibrates loose.

Front brake disks pads replaced at 12000 miles.

Rear disks and pads replaced at 12500 miles.

More squeaks from the plastics than I expected.

Drivers seat seems to be wearing prematurely.

General Comments:

The car is used as a second form of transport as I work for Vauxhall I always have a company car.

Even with its faults I still enjoy driving the car.

The car handles its weight fairly well considering the suspension design, leaf springs are a little old hat.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 22nd April, 2006

1999 Chevrolet Blazer LT 4.3 petrol


Problems with front headlamp condensation, requiring new unit. Window rubbers improperly fitted.

General Comments:

Petrol consumption genuinely shocking.

Crude rear suspension arrangment leads to excessive rolling, swaying and pitching on anything other than totally level and straight roads.

Otherwise, a hugely comfy long-distance cruiser and capable off-roader representing very good value in the UK market. Potentially great, but still good concept let down by build-quality details, poor serviceability in the UK, and sloppy giant US car-firm "it'll do" mentality.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 2nd July, 1999

7th Aug 2003, 23:48

I agree, the blazer is not as good as some other SUV's out there, but is a lot more reliable then any land rover product.

8th Nov 2005, 10:46

No it isn't. The Land Rover is a better buy.

And to make matters even worse: The resale value is a joke and there is no assistance in UK.

19th Feb 2006, 14:14

Actually, the Blazer is pretty poor in terms of reliability by American standards, but yes, it is more reliable than recent Land Rover products. (Darn it!) If you want anything like the equipment levels of the blazer with a comparable price you have to go for the P38 Range Rover, as the Discovery tends to be rather more expensive. An incredibly capable vehicle, the P38 knocks the Blazer into a cocked hat (not the diesel; that's a bit of a weed) in every department except one - reliability. The P38 is criminally badly built, with a large proportion suffering from hugely expensive problems from relatively low mileages. Engine replacements are not uncommon, and the electronics can be woeful - problems with the air suspension are, shall we say, not unheard of. It pains me to say this, speaking as a rabid Land Rover enthusiast, but I reckon if you're looking (on the used market) for decent equipment levels in a strong, reliable non-Japanese 4x4 at a good price, my choice between the Rangie and the Blazer would be... the Ford Explorer! There. I've said it.