1990 Citroen 2CV Special 0.6 petrol


BMW basher


Points/plugs failed when first acquired - due to dealers misunderstanding of car.

Hood ripped when opening,

Boodlid would not lock - replacement lid and lock needed.

General Comments:

A very comfortable, eye-catching car.

Very surprising acceleration in 1st gear - just watch the faces of the BMW drivers as you sail past on the motorway doing 75!!

People laugh with you when driving, NOT at you! A cheap and cheerful posers car in the summer with the full-length roof rolled back. Only downside is that wind kills the performance really badly and they do need a lot of looking after to look their best.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 23rd December, 2000

21st Feb 2001, 08:57

Come on! Wind does not kill its performance...

The LACK OF HORSEPOWER KILLS THE CAR - 29 hp... Thank god it is only 29 hp, or else it would kill people with this design and aerodynamics !

13th Apr 2001, 12:50

This car, or should I say boat is dangerous. I saw one going around a roundabout almost horizontally!

1990 Citroen 2CV Dolly 0.6


Not much, other than a final disastrous case of rot in the (Portuguese?) chassis meaning that I had to sell the car, otherwise in good condition, as a wreck. I was leaving England, and could not have it repaired by remote control, and did not want to risk losing money on it.

General Comments:

I bought the car on arrival in England, and toured around extensively (about 5,000 miles) over the next 12 months. The car never let us down, even carrying four at times. It started in blizzards, after being frozen overnight (near Glasgow) and was everything you could expect, for the sum of 500 pounds! I have owned many other cars, mostly sports cars, and I prefer the dynamics of the little Citroen on the road to most of them. I loved driving it and owning it, and was very sad at its demise.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 28th February, 1999