1986 Ford Granada Ghia 2.0 liter petrol
Hard to fault, but pretty dull
Bought cheaply as a stopgap. This wasn't a bad car, but it had the usual scabby rear arches, but all the electrical toys worked (except the air/con), but I was too tight to have it recharged.
General Comments:
Big, solid and comfortable. I can't help feeling that asking the poor little 2.0 Pinto to drag around a bodyshell this size was a bit much to ask; it always felt pretty sluggish to me. You needed to work it hard to make reasonable progress.
Economy wasn't that good either; only around 25 mpg, but when have the words "Granada" and "good fuel economy" been used in the same sentence?
I liked it OK, as it did the job, and there's a huge amount of room inside, but the 2.9 V6 version was the better car.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes
Review Date: 29th May, 2008
21st Sep 2024, 17:34
I had one of these back in the day, 2.0 got 33 mpg from it no problem, good for the time. Something was wrong if you were only getting 25 mpg, that is more like the 2.9 V6's economy.