20th Oct 2009, 18:08

Yep, same problem. My driver's side seat broke yesterday. Barely hanging on by one corner of the bracket. The other three completely sheared off. Going to a junkyard on Saturday. The dealership is ridiculous about prices. If anyone out there has a solid but inexpensive fix, please post.

4th Dec 2009, 10:27

Wow - can't believe how many people have had the EXACT same problem as I have! The driver seat in my '00 Grand Cherokee Laredo started wobbling probably a year ago and continued to get progressively worse, until breaking further earlier this week. It was connected by one bolt when I took it to the shop, who said I need a new track. Drove out to the salvage yard in the boonies, bought the track, and took it to the shop to be repaired. Well, what do you know, turns out the whole thing is busted and I need a new seat/frame to repair. Now have to go through finding a new seat and replacing the entire thing. The guy at the shop even commented to me on how it looked like it had been repaired before (bought used in '04), and how poorly the seat was crafted.

I WILL be contacting the TSA as soon as this ordeal is over to file a complaint. Both Jeep Dealerships I talked to seemed to have no clue what I was referring to (yeah right), but quoted $800-$1000 to repair. Unbelievable how crooked Chrysler has become. A recall should be issued ASAP or class action suit be filed before people start getting killed.

22nd Dec 2009, 10:27

I can't believe I came across these posts. I just brought my Jeep into the repair shop, because my 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee has a broken driver's seat. Front left bracket broke, just like everyone else. This is clearly a defect. I reported the problem online.


Submit it online and save yourself a phone call.

I love my Jeep, but this seat issue is crap.

8th Jan 2010, 21:24

Cannot believe I found this site. Same exact issue with my 2000 Grand Cherokee. Thought mine was the only one! I actually thought the ~400 lb. car attendant who works at a lot I park at once in a while was to blame. Sorry dude. turns out it's the product.

1st Feb 2010, 15:58

Same exact story. On my 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, started wobbling, got it welded together and that lasted 4 months. Now I've been told the seat is "beyond repair" and have to find an entire new seat and track. The dealer wants 400$ without the track. I am calling the NHTSA!!!

10th Feb 2010, 17:08

Add another to the list. I'm about 180lbs, but still managed to break it. Owned the '00 since new, and it broke last year. The bracket on the bottom rail snapped, as well as the recliner.

I actually don't care to fix it, since it helps me look "gangster" with my body and head tilted towards the window/pillar :)

16th Feb 2010, 22:15

Well folks, 2000 Grand Cherokee Laredo. Had it since new. Had to change the door locking mechanisms. I constantly lose antifreeze and no mechanic can find. Has 125K highway miles.

The seat broke again on me today. Last time around it was the bolt to the guide, and I drilled a new hole and bolted it. Now the seat broke at the bracket that the 6 way seat rides on. Might have to buy a new seat. Absolutely absurd!!!

7th Mar 2010, 15:00

Well I am in the same boat as other 2000 Grand Cherokee owners. My driver's side front seat also has broken at the front right portion of the frame. I will also be calling the National Traffic Safety.

5th Oct 2010, 20:51

Add another driver's seat to the scrap heap!!!

What do I do now??

This should be a recall by Jeep.

I don't like driving laying down.

Come on NHTSA, and make IT one!!!

File your complaint now!!


10th Oct 2010, 23:42

The drivers seat broke with my 2 and 6 year old daughters in the back. $500.00 for new track at the dealer or use that $$ for a down payment for a new Pinto. I'm going with the Pinto.

What a piece of junk, I'm filing a complaint to see if now there are enough to order a recall.

12th Oct 2010, 22:38

04 Grand Cherokee Freedom - drivers seat bracket broke, had to go out and swap out the seat frame, just like everyone else...

23rd Oct 2010, 00:04

Sitting here, reading through the complaints, and wondering should I go to the junkyard and find another seat, along with risking the same damage with the salvage seat, should I buy the seat tracks or buy a new seat assembly (and possibly risking the same damage to the new seat)?

25th Oct 2010, 12:13

My driver's side seat just broke on my 2000 Grand Cherokee the other day. I was sitting at a red light, and when I accelerated, I heard a "snap" and the seat went backwards. Before checking the problem, I went online to see steps required to remove the seat, and I was shocked that there were so many others who had the same problem. I agree that this should be a "RECALL" by Chrysler. I have owned over 20 cars in my life and NEVER once did I have a seat bracket snap. I also won't be paying the dealer over $400 for the assembly. I will probably try the 3" clamp that someone suggested and see if that solves the problem. Being an engineer, that solution sounds very logical. I hope Chrysler gets their act together and issues a recall, ESPECIALLY since this is a safety issue and from what I read here, welding the bracket only solves the problem for a period of time. After a while, it breaks again.

6th Nov 2010, 01:32

Me too. Me too. Me too! My seat broke just like all the others. I'm ready to do a temp repair and the sell this thing to get rid of it. However, knowing someone else could die if it breaks again... that makes me feel obligated to buy a whole new OR USED, seat. This is very frustrating.

14th Nov 2010, 18:24

Well, mine broke too. I was getting ready to go to the junkyard to get a used seat track, but I guess that's fruitless after reading all the complaints on the same problem.

I'll never buy another Jeep. They are cheaply made with inferior products. And they leak from everywhere there is a fluid.

15th Nov 2010, 13:27

2002 JGC Limited V8.

The same issue just happened to me. Driver's side metal cracked at the top left side.

Has anyone tried to replace it with the below product?


I'm thinking about buying this kit and doing it myself.

Let me know if anyone used this or had any success otherwise, but the above links seems like a legit way.


16th Nov 2010, 21:36

God, this is ridiculous. I jumped in my 2000 Grand Cherokee Ltd. this morning and POP! There went the seat bracket. This, after I spent $500 in repairs this weekend on mechanical failures. How the hell does the metal just shear like that? I'm amazed that it's enough of a problem that someone has devoted the website in the post above this to JUST replacing the Jeep seat brackets. I'll be trying the hose clamp quick fix until I can get myself into a new car.

As for Jeep? I'll never buy one again. These things burn through brakes, rotors, axles, oil, shocks, radiators, and coolant like crazy. Never again.