1976 AMC Gremlin Custom 258 Inline-6 from North America


Easily the best car I've ever owned


Starter solenoid ($5 part fixed by hand)

Universal joints (normal maintenance)

High-speed shudder (rebalanced tires fixed this)

Overheating (new thermostat fixed this)

Reverse lights on constantly.

Timing chain.

Ring and pinion gears.

General Comments:

Smooth engine with plenty of power, decent economy, and bulletproof durability and reliability.

Drove it for 30,000+ miles a year and gave me no problems.

Front seats are comfortable and there's plenty of space.

The backseat and cargo areas are tiny and cramped.

Poor side view visibility due to wide sail panels.

Vehicle protected me extremely well in a freeway crash and was drivable for two years afterward.

Large bumpers are extremely durable with rubber guards.

Great paint with lots of luster after 23 years.

Durable interior fabric, with front seats that were comfortable for decent distances.

Choppy ride due to short wheelbase, leaf spring rear suspension.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 30th May, 2006

2nd Jul 2006, 05:22

Durable interior fabric? For real? I've never seen one without rips and/or tears. Everything else I agree with.

5th Jan 2009, 10:38

Was the "custom" the one with the big Gremlin decal on the sail panel? That was used only on the lower-end models and only in '76, not on an X or Levis. Did yours have it?