1997 Cadillac Catera 3.0 V6 from North America
If you are buying one, READ THE REVIEWS FIRST!
Oil cooler.
Head gaskets.
Auxiliary water pump.
Headlights broke.
Rear LED lights don't work.
AC doesn't work.
Gauges work when they want to.
General Comments:
Worst car I have ever owned. I should have listened when people said that these cars are a JOKE.
I have the car for sale, and can't even get $400 out of it. It is quite possibly one of the worse car ever made in history.
I CAN give it credit for being comfortable... oh and it IS RWD and does handle well. That's about it.
The cost to keep one running simply isn't worth it.
This is will be the last GM I will ever own. I will strictly own Volvos from now on.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No
Review Date: 8th August, 2011
14th Aug 2011, 02:27
Part out? To who? No one drives a Catera anymore.
5th Nov 2013, 19:09
I currently own three Cateras, and it's people like me whom these cars matter to.
2nd Jan 2023, 15:25
We have these cars in Europe as the Opel/Vauxhall Omega.
Some were not that reliable. Others claim to have had them for years with no problems. I had a very basic 1998 2.0 CD model and it was OK, no better or worse than any other car I have had, but not the worst car ever as the review implies. I'm fairly certain GM use the same parts word-wide and build quality for all cars of this generation.
11th Feb 2025, 18:19
I believe the USA got the V6's only in this car. The smaller 4 cylinder engines available elsewhere were simpler and more reliable.
9th Aug 2011, 14:49
Still selling it? Might be a good car to part out.