1995 Chevrolet Beretta Base 3.1 V6 from North America


A very nice bargain for a first car


First, the A/C compressor went.

Brakes and Rotors every 7,000 miles.

Right and Left arm stabilizer bar broke off.

Muffler clamp rusted and broke.

The alternator started winding. Turns out it was going bad and needed replaced.

General Comments:

This car is a nice riding car.

It is very comfortable on trips.

Has great pick up.

Quick handling.


It was a great choice for a first car.

It is awesome in the snow. It is like a tank.

It is spotless inside of the car.

For being a 1995, it looks like it just pulled off the show room floor.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 1st January, 2003

1995 Chevrolet Beretta Base Model 2dr 2.2 litre L4 from North America


Priced great, works great, don't hesitate!


Head gasket: 78000 miles. previous owner abused it, was about a 1100$ american repair, but worth it in my opinion.

Fuel pump: 78000 miles. Ran it too long, on low gas, in hot summer. My fault entirely. 500$ repair.

Water pump: 82000 miles. They fail on any car, only cost 80$, no biggie.

Engine mount: 95000 miles. Its second one, first one by previous owner, he abused it. I've been pretty hard on it, has yet to be replaced (need winter tires first)

Alternator: 100000 miles. 130$ My sound system is pretty hard on it.

Drivers side seat is ripping, looking into getting reupholstered. Might replace front seats with GTZ/Z26 model style racing seats.

Door trim now needs replacing after body shop tightened it too tight with my sound system cords underneath it. This is a cheap repair, looking in local junk yards.

General Comments:

I absolutely love this car. It's styling is just right, roomy and comfortable interior. It's built like a tank (my car has been hit by a tow truck and lived). It handles great, but I recommend an upper strut tower brace from GM, improves handling a lot.

There is plenty of performance and styling options available if you know where to look, and its just generally a fun, cheap, and good looking car to own.

It has great power for a 4-cylinder, and gets great gas mileage. Not to mention it does all this while looking good.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 13th November, 2002

1995 Chevrolet Beretta Base 3.1 litre V6 175 horsepower from North America


An accelerator


1. In 1998, a few weeks after we got it, the alternator went out.

2. And in 2001 the door handle broke on it.

3. In 2002 the radiator went out.

4. The engine light comes on once in a while due to a vacuum hose.

General Comments:

1. This car has the best acceleration.

2. It is a very reliable car.

3. And it is the best car I've ever had.

4. It will get me to any place I wanted. It was so reliable.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 18th September, 2002

20th Oct 2005, 17:46

Airloom? Is that used for spinning yarn?

28th Oct 2010, 16:13

I read back to my post from like 6 years ago, all I have to say is, damn I was young LOL...

1995 Chevrolet Beretta Z26 3.1 liter from North America


A fun car to drive with the power to make driving even more fun when wanted.


Other than general maintenance (oil changes, tire rotations, etc.) the only items replaced have been the battery, alternator, and throttle position sensor.

Exterior plastic door trim cracked.

General Comments:

I bought my Berretta new and have promised to give it to my son in 4 years. The Cajun metallic red paint (original) has generated many positive comments.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 19th July, 2002

1995 Chevrolet Beretta 4 Cylinder from North America


The driver's side door hinge is broken. It makes a popping sound when opened.

For 127,000 miles, it is in mint condition on the inside.

Needed new brakes only once!

General Comments:

Excellent car to drive. Very fast, even with only a 4 cylinder.

Very comfotable.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 24th April, 2002

1995 Chevrolet Beretta from North America


I had to replace the front brakes twice within one year, including the calipers, which seized up, as well as the rotors.

The lower control arms gave out last summer.

It failed emissions during this year's inspection. The HO level was 1.25 and the limit was 1.20. The mechanics recommended a tune-up to clear up the problem.

The driver's side door handle snapped off last winter, which has yet to be replaced.

The driver's side door hinge also needs to be replaced since the door will not stay open and makes a snapping sound when it is opened and shut.

General Comments:

This car handles very well and, aside from a few minor problems, has been very reliable.

It has excellent take off, even for a 4-cylinder.

The interior is in good condition, aside from minor spills and normal wear and tear.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 22nd January, 2002