1987 Chevrolet Chevette CS 1.6 Liter from North America


Best 100 bucks I have spent!


Alternator went TWICE when the heavy snow came in November. The cause was a slipping alternator belt.

Bought it with no brakes, so re did the braking system.

Floor boards are starting to rot.

Windshield rear view mirror fell off, and the windshield is all cracked.

Plastic fender molds are all busted up.

Had to replace the starter in the beginning of January after my floor rug had caught on the gas pedal and kept it pressed, so I freaked out and turned it off.

Bought used winter tires, worst decision ever...

General Comments:

All in all, the car has been the best hundred dollars I ever spent. My stereo cost me more than the car did. Despite having to put at least 650 bucks in it in a 3 month span, it runs better now than it did before. I can't wait to get all the exterior stylings all fixed up, and the car will look so much better.

These cars are slow as hell, so there is no racing with this car! Comfier than a Cavalier I sometimes drive (although there is more room in the cavalier). Friends at high school are amazed by the gas mileage I get.

Great old car for the most part, not much of a good winter car (maybe I'm the only one that has such bad luck), and I've counted only maybe 8 other ones in my city!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 10th February, 2011

10th Feb 2011, 17:54

People always dump on Chevettes, but they have a very durable, and simple engine. They're known to last a long time. Brakes seem to be their biggest problems. I've read reviews that claim you actually have to stand on them to stop. A high school friend had one that we put through hell, but it wouldn't die until a few years ago.

15th Feb 2011, 21:40

I put 225,000 miles on a 1986 Chevette. I would do brake repairs at 30,000 miles on the front and 60,000 miles on the rear. That is how long the brake pads would last on my car. My friend had a Honda and he was replacing the pads at 14,000 mile intervals.

The Chevette was the most reliable car I ever owned. I have been through four different Chevrolets since then, and none of them have been as reliable as the Chevette was. The Chevette got a bad rap but mine was really reliable. In fact it was so reliable, and the reputation it received was unwarranted. If you took care of the Chevette it was designed to run for ever.

The Chevette was designed by GM's German Opal division and it had many parts designed by Opal. German engineering is always good, and is built to last.

3rd Oct 2011, 12:32

I still have my 1987 Chevette that I bought brand new in Dec. 1986. It now has about 206,000 miles and has been the most reliable car I ever owned. The engine/trans/rear, etc. have never given me problems or been torn apart. I built my own functional ram air and 2-1/4 inch exhaust, with 14" mags. It's still my daily driver!

1987 Chevrolet Chevette 1.6 from North America


The better economy / service relation


The alternator always was a headache. Finally when I bought a new one; the problems went.

General Comments:

It is a great car, is a 72 hp engine, it is slow, but in 23 years, I just change the alternator, and have a leak from the transmission; a little one. If they made this car again, I will buy 3. What a great economic car.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 7th April, 2010

8th Apr 2010, 09:58

I see a lot of car makers bringing back retro cars and having huge success.

The Chevette is one of the all time best retro cars, yet no one at GM will smarten up and bring it back.

Shame on GM for missing the boat on this car.

I was a success back in the 80s, and would be a success again today.

GM, please pay attention, BRING THIS CAR back. Long live the "VETTE"

8th Apr 2010, 18:03

I seriously doubt that GM will bring back the Chevette in its original form anytime soon. I really don't think that there is a huge demand for them today.

What's next, asking for the return of the Vega, Pinto & Gremlin?

8th Apr 2010, 19:10

The Chevette was/is a tough old nail of a car.

Not the most refined, roomy or comfortable, but ruggedly simple and honest, something that most modern cars are not.

9th Apr 2010, 21:06

I could go for another Gremlin X V8 manual to drive. I loved mine.

11th Sep 2010, 00:23

The Chevette was already outdated and uncompetitive when it came out in 1976, and got further behind each year. Introducing a new Chevette would be coming back out with the 8 track tape.

No matter how reliable it was, people are satisfied with the reliability and feature of modern cars.