1984 Chevrolet Citation II 2.8 V6 from North America
If I could keep her running forever, I would never buy another car
The only major problem I have had with this car is overheating. Replacement of the radiator and the water pump fixed my problem for quite a while.
I have replaced my battery, alternator, and belts.
Shocks need replacing, but after 30 years I think that is more than acceptable.
General Comments:
My Citation has been extremely dependable and fairly easy to fix. I love the four door hatchback. Perfect little family car, with plenty of power for playing as well.
The only drawbacks now are it's too old for most mechanics to find parts easily, and not quite old enough for a classic car restoration.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes
Review Date: 21st February, 2014
24th Feb 2014, 14:34
Notice that this review is an 84 model year; by then the problems of all the X-cars were resolved, but its reputation was already tarnished.
25th Feb 2014, 15:32
Chevrolet tried to overcome that reputation by borrowing a tactic from Ford (who, coincidentally, had previously used the name Citation as the top model of the Edsel in 1958-59): in 1984 the "Citation" became the "Citation II".
22nd Feb 2014, 10:47
You are extraordinarily lucky to have gotten a good one. The Citation and the rest of the X car class are infamous for being among the worst junkboxes that GM ever built.