2001 Chevrolet Impala Base 3.4 from North America
Tight car! but too many electrical problems
Bad relay in pass-lock 3 caused ignition lockout for up to 15 minutes.
Randomly, there is a loud noise from starter when car is started or car will not start on first crank.
At times my Chevy would stink of gasoline, but dealer saw no problem.
Horrible steering problem when turning and accelerating at the same time! (shakes the steering column!)
Radio has problems reading CD's.
Car is easily dented.
Brakes are noisy, but powerful.
Front center console/armrest is "NOT" a seat!
When car is running on park for too long and gets hotter, engine RPM's increase on it's own!
Can't turn parking light off with car on! (why not?)
General Comments:
This car is beautiful on the inside and outside.
Great value for the money$
You can drive this car like a rental and it will take the abuse.
Car has good power, but it's weight makes you use the brake more than the accelerator.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes
Review Date: 4th February, 2005
3rd Apr 2005, 21:02
The Catalytic Converter clogged up under 80k miles. Why does the Impala go through Catalytic Converters so fast? I still believe that my 01 Impala is a great car.