2006 Chevrolet Impala LT 3.5 V6 from North America
Stay away from GM
When I first bought this car I loved it. Rode great, handled great and 30 MPG on the road. Then I stored it for 2 month when I left the state. When I came back the car was dead and had developed an electrical problem that of to date, 2 very qualified people have not been able to figure out. I will probably have to salvage this very nice car.
The worst problem you can have with today's cars is an electrical problem. After doing research I have discovered that the most likely car to give you an electrical problem is a GM. So after many years of being a GM driver, they have just lost me for life.
General Comments:
Great car unless you are one of the unfortunate ones to have an electrical problem
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No
Review Date: 4th July, 2018
4th Jul 2018, 21:06
Did you cross the wires on the replacement battery, or did you not secure the ground wire tight enough? I had a rarely driven late model GM car with an old leaking liquid acid battery that dripped acid straight into the computer directly underneath the battery tray. Went to a gel battery. Over a 2k fix.