5th Nov 2008, 15:29

A fair point, but Skoda has the Fabia vRS and Kia now has the Procee'd Sport, which both appeal to younger drivers who would not have ever looked at former models like the Felicia or Cerato.

Chevrolet has the Matiz, Kalos and Lacetti - none of which will ever appeal to young drivers.

The new Astra is due in 2009 (in today's Auto Express).

We'll have to wait and see what the Cruze is like. With the GM budget, I hope they make a good job of it and leave the current UK image behind, and then pick up the youngsters early on and keep them interested in the brand.

6th Nov 2008, 11:45

Well I think you're wrong - all of those models may appeal to younger people - I see plenty of young drivers in Chevy Matiz.

I see no point to the Proceed and Fabia VRS. It's like Lidl bringing out clothing for teenagers with the Lidl brand logo across the shirt/top - who is going to wear it?

Kia and Skoda/Hyundai should stick to making pensioners shopping carts.

6th Nov 2008, 13:28

Lifted from: http://www.carmagazine.co.uk/Drives/Search-Results/First-drives/Kia-Proceed/

"And the ‘pro’ bit for the new three-door variant? Well that just sounded good, or so someone thought. So to what is probably the least desirable car brand in Britain – Kia – add probably the daftest model name. Brilliant."

And you still think Kia has more brand equity than Chevrolet??!! Hmmm, yeah whatever.

7th Nov 2008, 07:24

Oh dear, let's just agree to disagree, you obviously love your Chevrolet and that's fine. Maybe I am the only person in the country, but I would rather have a Fabia vRS than any similar priced Chevrolet - 21 year old car driver in England.

7th Nov 2008, 11:57

Well in fact it's GMDaewoo, and their technology and manufacturing tolerances are supposed to be some of the best in the GM group. Future small car development for GM is being spear-headed by GMDaewoo.

I wouldn't know who goes to Lidl since I've never been there (Or Aldi/Netto etc). No doubt you'll find plenty of fellow Kia and Daihatsu drivers there, with which you can discuss how much in pence you are saving compared to Tesco.

And 21 year olds zipping around in Skoda Fabia's are either misguided or having an image crisis.

7th Nov 2008, 12:40

I saved enough in Lidls to buy a far better car than yours!!!


7th Nov 2008, 13:13

You saved enough money to purchase a daihatsu?! That's the funniest thing I heard all day.

7th Nov 2008, 16:31

I was assuming that you drive a Chevrolet, which would be a lot cheaper than a Daihatsu...!! Whatever...!

What's the issue with Lidls, Aldi, Skoda, Hyundai, Kia etc?

Someone on the thread mentioned as image issue with driving a Skoda. I thought the issue is with needing ego reassurance in driving a premium brand, but we are talking about owning a CHEVROLET KALOS which comes free with eight tokens off packs of Lidl own brand biscuits!

I think what we are seeing in the thread is brand loyalty, which is a good thing - if you love your car, you will stick up for it. I have had loads of cars and have loved some and hated others - it's down to personal experience, I suppose. I do rate my Daihatsu, though - it's not flash but very nice to use and own, and totally reliable too. Admittedly, it's not everyones' cup of tea style wise but it is thoroughly designed, superbly engineered and impeccably built for 100% reliability which is my top priority. Had you guessed yet?!

What's the problem with Lidls and Skoda though??! Who cares about the brand - it's the product that matters... hence my criticism of the Kalos which cannot hold a candle to Fabia VAG design and engineering quality.

Enough, already?! Tea? Biscuits anyone? Do you want the tokens?!

4th Jan 2009, 17:42

Lifted from Car and Driving UK magazine..

"Having said that, within the confines of the lower end of the compact MPV market, the Tacuma goes up against key rivals from budget marques like Kia, Hyundai and Suzuki and putting the respective products to one side, youd have to say that the Chevrolet brand image should give it the edge here. Chevrolet certainly think it does and the advertising strap lines used by themselves and Hyundai speak volumes on this issue.

Compare and contrast Hyundais almost apologetic, "a car first, a badge second" advertising strap line with Chevrolets: "All the car you need, plus it's a Chevy." In the UK market particularly, we tend to buy our vehicles because of rather than in spite of the badge, even at the value end of the market, and the Chevrolet approach plays up to this."


5th Jan 2009, 08:40

Is that why you can buy a pre-reg, 0 miles Tacuma for £4499, as they are otherwise unsaleable. It is well known that the (formerly Daewoo) Tacuma possibly one of the worst cars for sale in the UK today and definitely the ugliest.

As I said, the current UK Chevrolet range is dreadful, but the new models look more interesting and may recover some of the damage done by Chevrolet starting out in the UK by selling outdated, poor quality rebadged Daewoo models.

Even the latest "new" model Aveo has been slated by the press as a re-faced Kalos and the awful NCAP results back this up.

6th Jan 2009, 12:14

The discussion was about brand equity.

If you care to read the above comment you will note that putting all models to one side, the Chevrolet brand is held in higher esteem by the UK public than others such as Hyundai/Kia etc.


7th Jan 2009, 03:08

After 76 comments, I think I will agree to disagree.

Most of the people who look at this thread will own a Kalos or otherwise be a Chevrolet fan and therefore will be biased anyway. I would have been interested if you posted the same question to other brand owners about Chevrolet brand equity in the UK and had a balanced response from them.

Like I have said numerous times, Chevrolet have poor brand equity in the UK due to their awful model range to date. Some people remember the "proper" old Chevys of old (not Daewoos) and do not know about the range of the last few years.

Again, I will say that their image may improve when they launch better UK models like the Beat and Cruze, which may compete with the class best - we will have to wait and see.

Surely you cannot state that the Matiz, Kalos, Lacetti, Tacuma etc give better brand equity than the Cee'd or I30? Maybe five years ago before the others (like Skoda) improved, or in the future with better models, but currently, no way!!

I will agree to disagree, but would welcome a balanced response from anyone who is knowledgeable the current range of the brands in question and has no ownership bias.

7th Jan 2009, 05:34

Why would Chevrolet put 'plus it's a chevy' in their adverts... Surely that can't be a good thing?

Maybe Hyundai and Kia do have more stigma attached, but it's probably only because the UK market has actually heard of these makes of car, and thought Chevy meant Chrysler or something, LOL.

7th Jan 2009, 14:00

I think what you fail to understand is that a manufacturers brand equity is not solely based on its current range, but is built around a multitude of factors.

If you believe that the Ceed and I30 have now suddenly raised the Kia/Hyundai brand equity above mainstream manufacturers such as Vauxhall, Ford, Chevy, Nissan etc than you are undoubtedly wrong.

As the previous commenter stated, Hyundai/Kia have stigma attached; as the magazine article explained, UK buyers are brand sensitive and unless they are elderly, do not wish to be seen in Hyundai/Kia. This was precisely the point that was made some 2 months ago.