1988 Chevrolet Spectrum CL 1.5 litre from North America


A little small if you're a bigger guy like me, but a great little go cart for skooting and parking


Replaced struts.

Replaced alternator.

Replaced exhaust and muffler.

Replaced CV joint.

General Comments:

Thrifty on gas, 12-14k per litre.

A little sluggish on hills, but 300K on a 1.5 litre engine!

I took it to Puerto Vallarta from Vancouver, Canada and back with no problems, 10,000 km - pretty good.

It's like the energizer battery, keeps going and going.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 2nd November, 2007

1988 Chevrolet Spectrum 1.5 liter from North America


A small, convenient car


New brake calipers were needed when I got the car.

Muffler was rusted out and had to be completely replaced when I got the car.

Radiator was broke, fixed at 133,000 miles.

Driver's side door lock broke.

Hatchback lock broke.

General Comments:

I got this car free as my first car. It took about $500 worth of work to get it completely fixed.

It idles rough and has a hard time starting up in cold weather.

It gets great gas mileage and $10 fills the tank.

It makes a good first or temporary car.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 23rd September, 2001