1973 Citroen GS 1015 1.0 ccm petrol from Slovenia


Spaceship from the seventies


Oil dripping from return pipes.

Clutch worn.

Destroyed bearing of an upper front suspension arm.

Torn seats (from age)

Some rust, but not critical (yet)

General Comments:

I got the car from the original owner with original everything (even tires). After a bigger service by an Cit-enthusiast mechanic (don't go to Citroen dealers, please!) the car goes like new. It glides over bad roads like a speedboat, engine buzzes and never misses a beat. It might not be the fastest car on the road, but once you learn to drive it properly (try not to loose speed in corners) it's great, brakes set standard then and are still good today (all 4 disc, inboard at front).

And it looks really cool, stylish outside and futuristic inside (Cyclops eye speedometer).

Buy one today because they might be extinct tomorrow!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 17th December, 2003

11th Aug 2004, 10:29

We shall never look upon its like again - a car devised by engineers rather than accountants, with an eye to the future of motoring and not just the next trip to the out-of-town shopping centre. I have had 5 gs/gsa models in 12 years (with two at present) and find them somehow timeless in conception even though by today`s standards the build quality, solidity and rust-invulnerability leave something to be desired. A true practical classic.

Dan Rubinstein, UK.

25th Nov 2006, 14:58

I think it would be amusing to take your G to a Citroen main dealer and ask them for spares.

26th May 2008, 20:51

The main dealer would not recognise her as a Citroen :)

I have GS 1015 '72.

1975 Citroen GS Pallas 1.2 petrol from Switzerland


A car that has to be conserved, because there will never be anything similar again


Engine recently started to lose quite a lot of oil.

Some rusty spots appear regularly on the rear wheel arches, floor pans and beams.

General Comments:

I like the looks of this car. To me it's a true design classic, however still unrecognised.

The combination of a floating suspension, good roadholding and super-precise steering is still unmatched in its class (and far beyond).

It's not the quickest car and can get noisy if pushed, but normally power is sufficient, and only on long travels a 5th gear is badly missing.

Seating and boot are quite roomy for the car's size.

The key to a reliable GS is regular (and sometimes expensive) maintenance.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 13th June, 2002

26th Aug 2002, 00:42

Bravo! The GS is indeed a design classic that, sadly, is almost extinct. My '77 Club is also losing oil (leaking return tubes - $1000+ repair...) and rusting. Although I love it dearly, I am ready to move on to a more modern car.

28th Aug 2002, 15:44

Of all the cars that my parents owned when I was a child, my father's Citroen GS Pallas was the one that made the most impression.


Yes - but one hell of a car.