1981 DeLorean DMC-12 from North America
The 20 year itch
For some reason the lights stared shorting out. I really never fixed that problem.
The leather seats are great, but they gave me a rash that would bleed when I scratched it. Plus they make your butt sweat.
Had the clutch replaced, not a big deal.
Engine was replaced with a transverse north-star V8, yes I had the time and money to do it my self.
Front trunk latch broke, got that fixed.
General Comments:
I really liked this car.
The old V6 engine was good, but putting the north-star engine in her really made the car come alive. It took lots of modification, but it does work. Now it's a 300hp 4 speed auto rocket.
Like the looks and comments I get from it.
But for some reason the leather seats make my butt get a rash, so I did not drive the car often. Finally I put seat covers on, and my butt is fine now, LOL.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No
Review Date: 24th December, 2005
17th Jan 2006, 21:27
Never knew that a nortstar could fit back there. I would pay money to see such a setup. would anyone know the largest engine you could put back there?