1997 Dodge Avenger ES 2.5 Liter V6 from North America
Speedy, easy to handle, pile of junk
Extremely susceptible to rust. Bad for snowy climates where they may use lots of road salt.
Rear under-panels severely rusted out. They seem to trap water and dirt very easily.
Headlights fogged over, replaced at 155,000 miles. Very expensive!
Rear shock mounts rusted out and broke off at 170,000 miles.
Turn signal switch failed at 188,000 miles.
Transmission failed at 189,000 miles.
General Comments:
I am an owner of multiple Chrysler vehicles, and I honestly have to say this one is a big disappointment.
It's a fast little car that handles well and gets pretty decent fuel mileage (average 27 mpg).
Not a whole lot of interior space.
Hard to find parts for, therefore making it expensive to maintain.
Also hard to find a mechanic who doesn't cringe when you bring it to him.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes
Review Date: 20th February, 2009
22nd Feb 2009, 00:38
I believe that most of this car is Mitsubishi. But I wouldn't imagine it being that hard to find parts for, but I could be wrong...