1999 Dodge Intrepid 2.7 from North America


Our car had 2 timing chains gone, and guides and 2 tensioners. We also had our heads gone recently.

Our engine light also kept coming on, along with our oil light all the time...

When we first got the car, our cable went for the gear shift, it seized up.

We are also interested in a class action lawsuit.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 11th April, 2009

1999 Dodge Intrepid ES 3.2 from North America


Money pit


After 6 months of ownership the:

Rack & pinion failed.

Driver side window track broke.

Rear passenger window quit working.

Various signal light and other electrical problems.

Broken clock spring inside the steering wheel, which results in the loss of the horn, airbag, and cruise control.

General Comments:

Overall the car had a nice ride and a comfortable interior.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 8th March, 2009

1999 Dodge Intrepid 2.7 from North America


It's been a great car overall


Dash lights flicker; fixed a ground wire.

Oil light comes on when the engine is idling sometimes.

Replaced the starter at 12,000.

General Comments:

I bought this car from my Inlaws with 40,000 miles on it. We have driven this car literally to death and it still keeps going and going.

I know the problems with the 2.7, and keep the oil changed at exactly 3000 miles. I also switched it to fully synthetic oil early on, so that may have helped with the sludge problems.

The only real complaint I have about my Intrepid is that everything is a real pain to work on. You have to be a contortionist to fix anything. Whoever thought of putting the battery in the wheel well was a real genius.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 7th October, 2008

9th Oct 2008, 13:44

I have done some research on the 2.7 sludge problem, and just about everybody who has had that flickering oil light like you described soon after had the engine fail.

I dunno if anything can be done at this point for your engine, but you might try getting the oil FLUSHED out ASAP. You may be past the point of no return though.

1999 Dodge Intrepid from North America


I don't plan on getting rid of this car until it outright dies on me


Crank shaft went bad and needed to be replaced.

Front passenger and rear driver window motors died.

General Comments:

Withstood being rear-ended in a 45mph accident, and survived with no mechanical damage.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 30th September, 2008

1999 Dodge Intrepid 2.7 from North America


I am very disappointed with the problems that have begun popping up by the dozen!


Drivers side window went off the track.

In the process of fixing window-outside handle no longer works.

ERG valve-boot completely clogged with sludge and melted.

Crankshaft angle sensor out at 86000 miles.

When it rains the rear passenger floorboard fills with water.

Trunk lid slams shut (have to be very careful, it bites you)

Drivers side door clicks and pops when opening.

Heater/AC fan only works on high.

Heater sticks and sometimes only puts out HOT air.

Brakes squeak, within 2 months of replacing EVERY TIME.

Major engine sludge.

Oil light blinks on and off at idle.

General Comments:

The car is pretty comfortable.

However lately I have not been able to depend on it starting at all.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 28th August, 2008

1999 Dodge Intrepid from North America


Pile of junk please do not buy one of these pieces of crap!!!


AC doesn't work, windows don't work and are off track, engine has a bad knock and is SHOT at 120,000.

General Comments:

Looks good but they suck.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 12th August, 2008

12th Aug 2008, 23:52

I"m very sorry you experienced that with your Intrepid. The windows and locks failing as well as the engine going kaboom are all common problems. Yes, the Intrepid is a pile of junk.

1999 Dodge Intrepid 2.7 from North America


Good car; at least from my point of view. $50 an hour charge too much. Try doing it yourself


Power steering line burst at 120,000 miles.

Oil drain plug managed to get stripped.

Instrument panel lights tend to flash bright to dim at times.

My shifter light panel at times doesn't want to light up, or takes 30 minutes of driving before they come on.

Had two windows go out on me (no power), and had the drivers side window break off from its window hinge.

Trunk release button stopped working.

My car would suddenly die while driving, or at idle and at times it wouldn't start at all until I pushed the car, allowing the wheels to move slightly. This problem perplexed me for some time. It turned out the problem was due to ignition problem.

Replaced the center tie-rod bushing twice.

General Comments:

Like many others, I agree, the car has plenty of room and isn't bad on gas (get about on average 25 mpg).

I bought the car with many miles on it a (110,000), and I owned it for a number of years. Yes, it has had some issues, but what car doesn't. My car now has 194,000 mile on it but has served me very well. If it wasn't for the accident that I was involved in last week (where the other driver didn't yield the on-coming traffic), I would still be enjoying it.

Some of the issues that I did have trying to retrieve items that had fallen deep in my truck (yeah, you know what I'm talking about).

What about that battery! I'd like to meet the brain surgeon who thought that placing it in the wheel well area would be a great joke (ha, ha, ha... real funny)

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 29th June, 2008