2010 Dodge Journey SE 2.4 from North America


Not bad for the price


Nothing wrong at this time, but engine has awful noise and is slow when starting. I am always worried when merging into a freeway, as it has no power when accelerating, but once on the freeway, it rides great. Under powered, and made cheap.

I did not get the advertised gas mileage; it's still consuming lots of gas.

The good feature of this car is that it has lots of cargo space for my kid's activity, a good sound system, a reasonable price, good looks, and above all, I am liking it more every day.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 14th August, 2011

10th Nov 2011, 18:35

You must not have test drove the car prior to purchase if you are complaining about the power. Dodge does offer a V6...

11th Mar 2015, 17:10

Obviously such advice is not needed and not related to a car review. With or without a test drive, for this owner the engine is too weak.

Also, did you ever meet someone who bought a new car without test driving it? Not all people are car experts when test driving a new vehicle.

2010 Dodge Journey SE 2.4 4 cylinder from North America


Great car for the price


Nothing so far. I had it for almost a month, and will monitor it for the next few months and update you.

General Comments:

The car has some difficulty accelerating, but when you're on the highway, everything is great.

Great gas efficiency, able to get 650-700 kms on a full tank of 60 liters.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 28th September, 2010

28th Sep 2010, 20:49

Why did you score it a 6/10 for reliability when you've only had it a month and have had no issues so far? Usually you put N/A for items you can't accurately rate yet.

9th Oct 2010, 19:49

I've had the 2010 SE for 3 months now with 1790 kms. Not an overly high amount of miles, but have had no problems with it to date. Great ride. The 2.4 is a little underpowered, but not as some people have made it out to be in other reviews. It all depends what you are going to use it for. For light duty, get the 2.4, and for towing and hauling big loads, get the 3.5.