1992 Ford Taurus GL V6 3.0 from North America
Its cheap and affordable
The spark plugs were replaced at 68000k miles. Replaced with new decent ones.
The Spark plug wires were replaced with new 8mm highperformance ones at 69000k miles.
The Automatic transmission will prob need to be replaced sometime soon.
The car needs new tires as well.
I think the back brakes are not so great too cause they lockup really easily.
General Comments:
The works alright for my needs right now. Though my friends poke fun at the fact that the car has a crappy acceleration curve. It seems to have good power at about 3500-4500k RPM.
The Automatic tranny is really bad. It shafts all of the the time. The shifting is really rough too.
The car also seems to have a lot of overheating problems too. Sometimes the engine will get really hot and sometimes it just stays cool. Its really strange.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No
Review Date: 30th September, 2002
6th Nov 2002, 18:55
What causes the fuel pump not to work. It seem as if it is out of gas. We replaced it, but still has the same problem.