1993 Ford Taurus GL 3.0 6 cylinder from North America
A very poor investment
The list is endless. I have spent over 2500 dollars repairing my car. It's in the shop as we speak. some problems were (and this is what I can remember off the top of my head): motor mount, air conditioner broke 3 times, brakes repaired 4 times, passenger door broke, oil pan, antifreeze hose, fuel pump, power steering pump, starter... still needs alignment and I hear noises that I never even knew existed.
General Comments:
This car has sucked me dry... it stalls all the time... mostly in the middle of a dangerous intersection... or on the highway... I will never buy another Ford product AGAIN! I've put in over 2500 dollars into this car and I've only had it 2 years. I highly recommend running away from any Ford dealership when one comes into sight... you'll be saving yourself tons of cash. Now I'm just waiting for the transmission to go... can't wait.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No
Review Date: 13th July, 2000
29th Nov 2000, 18:08
I am having the same problems with my Taurus. It is now in the shop again after I just fixed the water pump and others. The dealership now tells me I need a new engine. I thought they were bluffing but after reading some of these remarks I believe it.