2007 Hummer H3 3.5 from North America




44,000 miles, the check engine light came on. Took it to the dealer. I had a cylinder 5 misfire (code P0300). A couple thousand miles later my truck was still showing multiple misfires.

I had to replace the radiator (because it was leaking) and thermostat at 46,000.

April 2011 at 65,000 miles, my transmission went out completely and had to be replaced.

July 2012, the air stopped working. Took to the dealer; they said I had to replace the fan blower motor resistor. Researched and founded this was a known problem for Hummers; the motor gets too hot and melts, causing the fan blower to go out.

Several months later, the check engine light came on several more times. Took it to the dealer; they said they couldn't find a problem and cleared the code. My check engine light came on again so I took it to Auto Zone. Their diagnostic showed cylinder 5 coil multiple misfire, so I had the spark plugs changed along with all five ignition coils.

A couple of months later, the check engine light came on again. Took it to the dealer; the diagnostic test revealed code P0300 again and a couple of other codes. The dealer said my truck had an emissions leak, multiple misfires, cylinder 5 and a small crack in the head. I didn't understand how that magically happened. I paid the dealer to fix this in March 2014.

A week later the check engine light came on again. Took it to the dealer; the diagnostic showed an emissions leak; apparently they didn't fix it the first time.

A week later the check engine light came on again. Took it to the dealer and the diagnostic test revealed torque converter clutch solenoid. The dealer said I need the transmission replaced. I'm confused at this point; the dealer put in a new transmission 3 years prior. My truck has never been over the road. I only drive locally. Now at 103,000 miles the dealer is saying I need another transmission. Something is not right here.

After researching, I've found thousand of Hummer owners experiencing the same problems I've experienced. I've found bulletins from GM on the coil, engine and torque convertor problems caused by GM. Something needs to be done to protect us consumers against repeated repairs because of GM's poor craftsmanship.

I advise everyone that has had or is having problems with their Hummer to go file a complaint at http://www.safercar.gov/Vehicle+Owners/. The more people they see with the same issues, the more the government can make GM do something about it.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 20th April, 2014

21st Apr 2014, 12:41

They like to wait til it's out of warranty, then abracadabra they find the problem. There's a big difference between it needing a solenoid and a whole new tranny; I'd get a second opinion.

23rd Jan 2025, 23:02

I wonder if it ever got fixed. That's a long list of problems.

2007 Hummer H3 from North America


A one of a kind experience!


The door automatically locks after closing.

General Comments:

I leased my H3 this past September and love it!

It's great to see GM made a compromise on a luxury SUV at a reasonable fuel consumption. I was reluctant to re-lease an SUV for a year prior, due to rising fuel costs and being well aware of the fuel most large SUV's use. Do not misunderstand though, if you push them they will will drink it! Heated mirrors would have finished it off nicely.

The trough at the bottom of the windshield makes for an undesirable collection area of snow/ice, which in turn can make it difficult for the wipers to operate. Mid-cycle wiper turn off capabilities would have been nice to make snow cleaning easier.

Strange, but the door automatically locks when closing if the vehicle is left running. I'm thinking it's do to the closure momentum not the electrics. This is annoying.

All in all I am able to overlook these hiccups for everything else the H3 offers. It's the type of vehicle you either like or dislike.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 6th December, 2007

19th Aug 2010, 13:14

Good to hear you're satisfied with your H3. I have never even been in one, but I like it much better than the H2. More subtle, less big and yellow. Too many yellow H2's, for some reason.

I am also glad that you actually took the time to write a proper review. Too many folks just write 80 words or so, and then leave it at that.

2007 Hummer H3 from North America


I expected more for 34k


Something in the drive shaft had to be replaced 2 months after purchase. 3 mo into purchase doors seemed a little loose or like they had dropped so had to have them adjusted. 6 months into purchase the driver side door is scraping the paint off the front quarter panel when you open it and makes a horrible metal to metal noise.

General Comments:

At first I thought I'd have a terrible time parking this thing, but quickly realized it would turn on a dime.

If your driving there is no place to rest your left foot except on a small hump in the floor.

Cargo area is MUCH smaller than it looks and I quickly realized that the first trip to the grocery store.

On the up side the kids LOVE it and its not too bad on gas.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 14th November, 2007

2007 Hummer H3 from North America


You just don't know how good it feels until you drive one


Had no problems so far.

General Comments:

Great handling.

You have a better shot coming out on top when someone tries to enter your space on the road.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 11th July, 2007

8th Sep 2007, 15:46

Curious to know if you've found the H3's claim of 15 City/20 Hwy mpg to be accurate. Looking to replace my 2005 Pacifica (same curb weight as the H3). Not too concerned about mpg, but don't want to find out that its rating is more like 10/15.

19th Sep 2007, 04:24

I get 16 city 18.5 highway with an automatic.

Found out that high test is much better than reg.

Engine sounds better runs better takes hills better.

I get one mile per gallon better. For 30 cents a gallon more may not be great to pick up one more mile per gallon; it's the other reasons I go with it. I have a 2006 also and it gets over 20 highway, but it's the non bored out motor.