1998 Jaguar XJ8 Vanden Plas from North America


Love my car


I just replaced my motor with one at 61000. It runs beautifully.

I have been driving it now for 2 months and the windshield wipers are going crazy, not shutting off, or they shut off in the middle of the windshield... but they work.. I have been using rain-x, this problem has been 2 weeks old now... Did it have anything to do with sitting outside for a year? Or just because? So I should get a motor? Switch?

Love my car, it's the bomb!!!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 15th November, 2009

1998 Jaguar XJ8 L 4.0L from North America


Still a beauty to see, drive, and ride


3 sets of Z-rated tires over 10 years.

Replacement of computer module & sensors at 60K/7 yrs.

3 failures of cruise control sensor (currently not working).

Replaced pump/hoses at about 75K/9 yrs.

Replaced front bearings at 85K/10 yrs.

Replaced gaskets at 90K/11 yrs.

Three failed-to-start incidents from flooding due to very short (in-out of garage) operation; understand an ECM upgrade may resolve.

General Comments:

Elegant car inside and out.

Easy, quiet, and responsive to drive.

Extremely comfortable, if constrained, interior.

Limited trunk space.

"L"-model makes for much more comfortable rear seats.

Better than expected reliability, but still a bit of a diva.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 5th November, 2009

1998 Jaguar XJ8 4.0 Litre from North America


So far so good. The car runs very well, even though I have an amber warning light that comes and goes. I have been told it is a sensor that is acting up.

I did notice that my breather intake was damaged, and I ran the vehicle for the first few days without a PCV valve. Have replaced the breather, but the repair shop forgot to order me a new PVC valve. I have installed a PCV valve that fits in the opening, but is not the one listed for that vehicle. I have also noticed that with the new breather unit, it provides a tight air intake system, and the engine seems to be laboring and my tach shows the revs are higher at lower speeds than prior to the new breather. Could this be a throttle problem or a tune up issue?

Would like to discuss my vehicle with other Jag owners in the Southwestern Ontario region.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 27th May, 2009

29th Oct 2012, 21:57

I have a 98 Jag XJ8 and live in Cambridge On. Have had some of the same issues that have been solved. If you would like to, you can contact me @ 519-212-0797.



1998 Jaguar XJ8 4.0 from North America


Beautiful but full of problems


I am now replacing the engine due to a tensioner issue. We have sent countless letters to Jaguar, and were told the car is out of warranty and the problem is not a known issue.

The car has gone in for many electrical problems, cup holder breaks and suspension problems. I would like to be involved in the class action lawsuit as well.

General Comments:

The car has only 68k and has had lots of problems, and very little support from the dealerships on repairs.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 25th October, 2008

1998 Jaguar XJ8 from North America


It's a delight to look at, but expensive to maintain


Transmission went out at 116,000 miles.

Transmission cooling line went out 1 year after that.

Car cuts off on the busy highway, and once it turns off, it starts right back up.

Timing chain has gone out, and is at least a $2500 problem.

General Comments:

The car is beautiful no doubt, but there is too much that comes with the territory. It is a dream car if you're only looking at the inside and outside.

The Jaguar Dealers will bleed you dry.

I will never purchase another Jaguar as long as I live.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 8th January, 2008

30th Aug 2008, 12:34

The cutting out problem may be due to the relay that controls the fuel pump - my car started with similar problems at around 120,000 miles and a replacement relay cured it. Cheapest repair I've ever had on this car!!

1998 Jaguar XJ8 from North America


Love this car


AC compressor had to be replaced in 2005.

Headliner replaced 2006.

Power steering needed work 2006.

General Comments:

This is my 3rd Jag. She's beautiful to look at, great to drive. Would prefer to have the multi-CD player under the dash and the car information booklet inside the car for immediate reference rather than in the trunk.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 18th November, 2007