14th Mar 2004, 19:55

I have a 1997 Jeep TJ Sahara. I have had the following problems.

- exhaust manifold, replaced with a Borla Stainless

- rear diff failure, replaced with a Jasper rear-end

- multi-function switch (blinker, brights, etc)

- clutch pedal linkage, which was a plastic grommet! Fabricated a metal linkage

- catalytic converter.

But, even with these repairs, it is twice the vehicle of my 99 GMC Jimmy. The Jeep is a blast and is the most capable off road vehicle out there. I will always own a Jeep, there is no vehicle that can match it... when it is maintained properly.

9th Sep 2005, 17:28

150km/h in third? Obviously if you abuse your power-train and drive-train like that it's going to break.

18th Oct 2007, 18:06

They just need more care. For instance, rear diff will never fail if properly maintained. They are prone to pinion oil seal leak, which leads to bearing failure.

28th Aug 2008, 07:59

Your Jeep does not have a V6 - it has a 4.0 liter in-line six.

I'm amazed at how many people don't even know what kind of engine is under their vehicle's hood.

3rd Jan 2009, 17:23

To the guy with the CJ2A. I love 'em too, but really most everything I've read suggests that 60,000 miles is about the limit before the engine needs a rebuild. Same with many older engines. Most people would consider that a pretty poor performance for a modern TJ.

I know what you mean by the electronics issue, though. Thing is, the less you have, the better but newer vehicles are forced by the feds to have all kinds of safety and electronic features that weren't forced onto a 47 Willys. So keep these things in mind in your criticism of Chrysler. Many of the changes that are so criticized in a current JK were the product of government meddling and were shoehorned into TJs and especially JKs. Any Jeep just runs too far afoul of gov regulators' and consumer groups' ideas of what the perfect vehicle should look and perform like.