1st Sep 2005, 04:27

Russians cannot produce cars. Their cars fall apart from the day they are produced, comfort level - 0. Models are 20-30 years old, but the prices are from 4K to 13K. Funny.

26th Sep 2005, 02:43

Russian cars do not "fall apart from the first day of production" at all. They are some of the most durable and reliable vehicles in the world to-day. They may be old fashion in design and and not as technologically advanced as other makes, but they are built to last! Those who criticise Russian made cars with such venom, are generally misfits who have never owned or driven a Russian car, and whose obsessive need to criticise in such destructive tones, is based on reasons which have nothing to do with cars! Prejudice has never been funny!

15th Oct 2005, 14:52

Please excuse my if my English seems to be poor, but I am going to write the best way that I can.

I'm from Argentina, and also an owner of an Aleko, for me this car is everything, I love it so much, It`s true that some materials are not the best, but the car is very strong and comfortable, I have it since 1995 and I have rubuilt it bescause my father went wrong and I had no money to compose it, but now I`m working so I started to repair it, now it is in good condition.

The car now goes like it best times and I am happy with it!

Pd: Anyone now`s where I can buy spares??

26th Nov 2005, 22:12

The commentator who states that he is "from Russia" and is a "patriot of our country", has a strange way of demonstrating his patriotism. He thinks nothing of demeaning his nation`s automotive industry, with unfounded and sweeping generalisations, such as: "Russian built passenger cars are not worth attention". A true patriot would at least try to be objective in his comments. Sure, there are some negatives, (as there are in many other makes of cars), but there are positives too, e.g. inexpensive purchase price; strength and durability; easy maintenance; low fuel costs. It is interesting how the "patriot" ignores these points, yet has time to agree with some previous half-witted commentator who makes a snide, and not too subtle, reference to alcoholism. Not a topic to make fun of- unless you have a hidden [and sinister] agenda, or unless you are just STUPID!

20th Dec 2005, 09:08

Good comment! If you`re looking for more info on the Niva, look up Lada site on this survey. There are some good reviews on it.

18th Feb 2006, 11:46

For me the Aleko is the best car.

25th Feb 2006, 17:30

Hello to all!!

I'm from Belgrade, SERBIA. I love ALEKO, it's the best car in the world.

Btw, where I can find new head of engine???

17th Jul 2006, 22:48

I drove Moskvich for a year. It was the most unreliable, uncomfortable, and ugly-looking car I have ever had. I had to rebuild engine at 80,000 km.

7th Aug 2006, 09:32

I have a friend in Argentina who is hoping that someone can inform us what diesel engines were fitted in an Aleko 2141. We would be very grateful for any information.

7th Nov 2006, 18:37


For the guy from Argentina:

The Russians put into the Aleko a Ford Orion 1,8 L diesel engine.

8th Oct 2007, 17:41

I have a friend in Cuba that has an Aleko, but its engine is broken and the car is not drivable in this moment. Please if any one knows where I could find parts for this car please let me know. Any good advice you could provide me with it will be strongly appreciated.



My e-mail is luishalvarez@bellsouth.net.

17th Nov 2007, 07:32

To me, Москвич 21412s is the best and most beautiful car in the world.

22nd Nov 2007, 21:39

They are a great, honest and durable car. In time, good examples of the marque will become sought after collector`s items.

18th Feb 2008, 07:30

"The Russians put into the Aleko a Ford Orion 1,8 L diesel engine."

Of all the diesel engines available, why on earth would they pick that one? It's awful!

22nd Feb 2008, 23:00

M-2141 is the best Russian car!

But the plant collapsed few years ago...

12th Sep 2010, 02:16

In the old days I did have 1980 M2141, that my dad brought from DDR (Germany) when he was in the army over there. It was a good car, and I'd like to teach people about Russian cars once and forever...

Moskvitch is a good car for people who can understand why they need it. It's simple, strong, safe with very high gloss metal sheet. With the regular maintenance they last forever. And parts are very cheap.

26th Dec 2010, 08:36

Despite being Russian car, actually it's not bad at all.

First, it has very simple and logical construction - no strange engineering. Minimal electronics. So, there's not much that can go wrong.

Easy and cheap to repair. Spare parts cost next to nothing.

Biggest problem is rust, and newer Alekos rust faster than old ones. I guess quality went down after the USSR collapsed.

It has very high ground clearance, that's very good for driving in snow and mud. You can go off road with an Aleko. Today I pulled a Mercedes out of snow :D

Lot's of room inside, powerful heater, comfortable seats.

Engine is a bit noisy (not muffler, but engine).

Good driveability, easy handling on highway. The suspension is just right - not too stiff, and also not too loose like on American cars.

17th Jan 2013, 04:56

The Moskvich 2141 is great car. The only person who can say that this is bad, is somebody who has never driven it. The factory is bankrupt, not because of a bad car; stupid business let it down. Also it was good way to launder money from such a big plant in the center of Russia.

Now I am a happy owner of a 2141 1.7. Driving it every day, and it is the best car I have ever had. There is no better car for this price. Remember, Russian vodka and driving are not compatible!

18th Mar 2015, 21:19

I own an Aleko and I love my car! I am looking for repair manuals, in particular the electrical part. Can somebody help?

28th Feb 2025, 12:07

You may find the principal electric schemes here: https://www.drive2.ru/l/1986521/. All you need to do is use a little bit of Google Translate to understand the content.