15th Oct 2005, 12:48
I think that it really pays to get an OBD 2 reader. I picked one up for about 80 bucks when the check engine light came on in my car (BTW, it won't come on when it's time for an oil change). 9 times out of ten it will be a faulty O2 sensor. In my case it was the sensor at the cat. Quit getting ripped off and enjoy the ride.
20th Oct 2005, 10:52
Nissan North America Sucks!!!...I purchased a 2004 Sentra SE-R Spec V new. The trunk mat that came with the car is not properly cut to shape to go around the sub woofer in the trunk. Nissan changed this in their 2005 models and will not upgrade previous models...That's customer care for you. If you have thought about buying a Nissan recently, I urge you to reconsider. Toyota, Honda, Subaru and even crappy Kia take better care of their customers. This is coming from a person who has been driving Nissans for more than twenty years now. If you buy a Nissan, buy it used. That way you won't be so disappointed.
9th Oct 2006, 16:09
Nisaan makes a decent car, but if you have problems, forget it. 30K miles on a 3.5 liter Nissan Altima. Smoke cloud on every start and burning oil like gas. Not covered under warranty. Won't even try to find a cause.
30th Mar 2007, 22:12
My wife and I have been NBN (nothing but Nissan) drivers for 12 years now. We have been so Nissan loyal that our friends and family members tire of hearing about it--we even encouraged my Mother-In-Law to buy one to replace her ailing Chevy (all Chevy family--very upset with us). UNTIL...the Frontier fuel sender recall came along. Wiring junction rusted (as the recall suggests), sender replaced under warranty. In the meantime, the fuel pump crapped out from the low-voltage condition created by the corrosion problem. Nissan service quoted me $477 for a $65 fuel pump replacement. Nissan North America wouldn't return calls--finally, when cornered, said they would do nothing for "good will." So much for loyalty. Replacing it myself. So much for Nissan.
27th Jul 2008, 21:57
The frontier had a safety recall on fuel sensors that caused your pump to go in the gas tank. Call the attorney general on them. Nissan should fix this at no charge.
4th Aug 2005, 10:18
What's an ignition control valve? Sounds like you got taken for a ride.