19th Jan 2003, 04:24

The turbo is not on the left hand side of the car. It is at the back of the engine in the centre. My 306 has excessive noise from the passenger side door and I'm stil trying to work out what it is.

29th Mar 2003, 13:28

Try winding down your window and place your hand between the mirror and pillar of the car. Noise stops.

20th May 2003, 10:56

Well I've only just bought my 306, its the D Turbo Sport, and I have to say that I love the car already. Remarkably impressive regarding power, considering the fact that it's a diesel. The only minor point that I don't like is the brakes. They are somewhat sluggish and unresponsive at times, but I think I'll try putting on the GTi 6 brakes and see if that remedies the problem. As for the wind whistling noise, haven't got any of that, and hope not to.

2nd Feb 2005, 09:24

I have just bought a d turbo myself I do have to agree that the build quality is not up to scratch. JUst wondering if anyone knows of any proven ways to up the BHP? I noticed a comment about turning a screw on the fuel pump does that work?

21st Mar 2005, 17:35

I have a 306 DTS and with the uprated bar and fuel pump giving that little extra, its real quick. handling is always superb. the only problem with the car is that the back speakers sometimes stop working for a second. I have no noise from the wing mirror, this is my second 306. the first, a standard 306 was turned over by another car driving into me and I still drove it home. I cannot fault the build quality at all, in the slightest, sorry, but I can't.

These cars are awesome for the money.

3rd Nov 2005, 11:04

My 1997 306 (facelift) has the same annoying whistling on the passenger side which sounds as if there's a vent open somewhere, even when everything is sealed up. Similarly, I'm also getting an increasingly annoying vibration from the passenger window, which only ceases (momentarily) when I lower the window a few millimeters.

Dealers - the one I've been using for servicing the last 2 years has been shocking!

23rd Mar 2006, 14:40

I love my Turbo diesel, but I also must admit the brakes are shocking. I'm loving driving it and am currently modifying it. A couple of good ways to make it look much more sporty are to buy new wing mirrors, and I'm about to lower it. then it should look a million dollars. O and yea that whistling does my head in, but you can just turn up the sound system.

28th Mar 2006, 12:24

I have a 306 DTurbo S and all round they are a nice car. It rattles a little, I have replaced the clutch and rear axle, but the axle is on it's way out due to it being lowered, (so ive been told) but having it lowered makes it look really nice and sporty as well as improving the handling no end.

All in all they make nice all round, cheap to run/insure. I may be getting rid of mine soon, (due to wanting a quicker car) But I rate them well, so long as they are well looked after.