1995 Plymouth Voyager Grand LE from North America
This car is a manufacturing and financial disaster
A/C stopped working one year (summer) after I bought it, $700.
A/C stopped working again a year after it was fixed. I'm not fixing it again.
Transmission destroyed itself while my wife was driving it home from grocery shopping, $1992. Ouch!
Transmission shifts hard after replacement, getting worse after shop warranty ran out. Probably will fix it myself with one from a junkyard, if I decide to drive it to the ground.
Plastic screw covers in the interior broke due to weather.
Many other little things broke: horns, wire harness to under-hood light bulb got cut by body, OEM brake rotors warped, motors on rear glass panels quit ($120)
General Comments:
There is no room to replace spark plugs from under the car, tune-up means the intake manifold has to be taken off! That is an inferior design to say the least. Nissan has never done that, and I've owned 3 other Nissan vehicles: 2 Sentras and a Maxima (V6). The Maxima is a breeze to tune up compared to the Voyager.
The design of the parking brake is such that there is no way it will brake both rear wheels. One side ends up doing all the work. Don't ever try to stop the car with this kind of emergency brake or it will spin you around like a top!
Never buy a Chrysler no matter what their ads say.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No
Review Date: 20th April, 2003
30th Jan 2005, 05:08
I also own a Plymouth Voyager 1996. I bought it in 2002 at about 65,000 miles. It now has approx. 85,000. I have the 3.3 V6 which has been an awesome engine - reliable and strong. It is unfortunately married up to a transmission that has caused many people problems. Partially because it is on the (poorly designed) side, but a large part because of inadequate maintenance and operation by owners. First of all, most people think there is only one type of Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF). This tranny takes ATF+3, and if you use anything else such as Dextron II, well, it is simply not designed by a team of engineers in little white coats (God bless 'em) to work with any other fluid. Add to that the fact that most people don't realize that they need to have their tranny fluid and (yes, it has a filter) filter changed every 15,000 miles or so. It may not recommend that often in the owners manual, but, remember, they wrote the manual before tens of thousands of trannys like ours ended up in the junk yard. You drive, you learn. Parting shot ~ always buy used 3-5 years old. Before you do, you can read these type of things (they are all over the Internet) and know for sure that your engine, tranny, and overall vehicle is tried and true. OOOOORAH John Wilcox.
8th Aug 2005, 10:20
I own the 3.0L version. To replace the plugs, I removed the air filter housing. It wasn't easy, but I had enough room pull out the plugs in the back.
31st Jan 2004, 11:17
I have a 96 Voyager, and was told today by a mechanic that a simple brake job couldn't be done; you can't replace the brake pads without replacing the rotors as well. This car has been very problematic, and I doubt I'll buy American again. It's unfortunate that American pride doesn't apply to our car designers.