1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT from North America


I have been the only owner of this car, which has been excellent overall


This car has really been pretty good, minus a couple glitches. I had to replace the alternator twice, once at 30,000 and once at about 60,000 miles.

My radio lights went out after about the first year, never hassled with the replacement.

My check engine light came on at about 140,000 miles... that was over 100,000 miles ago!!! It cuts out now when it gets hot outside, but after replacing several parts and nothing showing up on diagnostics, we just idle one foot on the gas, one foot on the brake:) Always starts right back up.

Has the moisture in the head lens issue.

Passenger seat buckle sometimes clicks before you insert the piece, but I just slide a pen cap edge in there and it releases every time, then it can be buckled and released. Has never stuck with buckle inserted!

I can't remove my key without putting the steering wheel up and inserting a pen tip or something up a little whole in the column below it.

After over 249,000 faithful miles and very little to complain about, I will be driving her to her grave. I would definitely buy another one.

General Comments:

Car handles GREAT in snow, and picks up speed very quickly!

Seats are not that comfortable and is difficult to get in and out of when very pregnant!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 25th June, 2008

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP 3.8 Supercharged from North America


To date low cost of ownership, good fun to drive and quite practical too!


Heating blower motor replaced (by dealer under warranty) - I did not see a problem 27000 miles.

Power window motor replaced (by dealer under warranty) - I did not see a problem 10000 miles.

Lenses on front headlights came off - put back in place successfully with white caulk - 40000 miles.

Passenger foot-well filled with rainwater once (2inches) 55000 miles - not happened since.

Tensioner on serpentine belt 'eroded' - nothing left of rubber - replaced tensioner and belt after 65000miles.

Occasionally get weird sound on CD/radio - especially when wet (!)

A/c not cold @ 70000 miles - probably needs recharging.

General Comments:

Car has great trunk space - can get a mountain bike in it with the wheels removed. All can be locked in the trunk.

Performance is great - seriously fast if you floor it.

If you are easy on the gas can get 25mpg on the highway.

Can seat 5 adults fairly comfortably.

Handles really well in the New England weather.

Seats are OK, but a little thin in front.

Don't like the 'pleather' on the doors where the seats have real leather.

Sports car, but quite practical.

Cheap to insure in MA compared with Japanese and German cars with better performance - saved overall. Wife has a 2000 Nissan Maxima with more mileage and more problems...

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 25th October, 2005

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP 3.8L Supercharged from North America


This car is high performance with some quality questions!


The heater blower motor chirped like a cricket for a while then started shrieking. Replacement cost at an auto parts store (if they have one) is about $90. I tried a little three in one oil on the end of the blower cage shaft, and so far so good.

To pass my first Pennsylvania inspection the car needed tie rod ends. This was surprising since it was a Texas car, with mostly highway miles. That was not cheap.

I smell oil burning after the engine heats up. I removed the nice plastic heat shield and discovered what looks like a valve cover leak. Hopefully that is all it is.

The Heads Up Display (HUD) fades in and out. Sometimes it is completely gone other times it it is very intense. Once in a while it sort of pulses.

I have not seen my last two problems in any other reviews on this site or others.

General Comments:

Overall the car is a lot of fun to drive and handles well.

The seats could be more comfortable with better lumbar support.

I have never owned a car with this many bells and whistles. Hopefully they do not translate into a lot of costly repairs.

If anyone has comments on my last two problems, I would love to hear them. My email is hobbes1962@yahoo.com.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 20th October, 2002

7th Nov 2002, 10:17

The Grand Prix's are great cars. I have a 98 GT Coupe with just under 90,000 miles on it, and the only thing I've had to have replaced is the alternator and the battery. Other than the regular repairs and upkeep such as new tires, alignments, oil changes, etc... this car has been fantastic. Still has as much power as it did when it was new. If you're worried about repairs costing you in the long run, it's good to get an aftermarket extended warranty on your car. I've gotten one from a company called Accel Warranty, and it cost me about $1400 to cover the car bumper to bumper up to around 125,000 miles. They even cover things that dealers won't cover like power windows, power seats, factory radios and speakers, and other great wear and tear items that makes this warranty very well worth the price I've paid for it. I've never had to pay for a repair once, and will never have to as long as I own the car, or until it dies, but hopefully it will last until 150,000 miles, that's usually the average for a Pontiac.

When it does die, I will be returning to buy the brand new Grand Prix, you just can't lose with this car.
