1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT V6 from North America


A lemon!


Bubbles have been appearing under the paint.

The air conditioner leaks on the passenger side floor.

The air conditioner and heater fan is loud and makes a chirping noise.

I had to have the heater blower replaced.

I had to have the gaskets replaced a total of four times so far.

I had to have the manifolds replaced.

I had thousands of dollars in repairs when my oil and coolant ran together and at that point, I had to have all of the manifolds and gaskets replaced again.

The car is sluggish and getting worse; a tune-up will probably be the next problem.

I had a cracked brake cylinder.

I had to have my brake rotors replaced three times so far.

The security alarm is often faulty and goes off for no reason.

General Comments:

I realize that routine procedures are necessary for maintaining a car properly, and I have these procedures done when needed. I am always very faithful in maintaining my car.

However, the repairs I listed above and which I see other people have listed, are simply not in the realm of normal car care.

I have reached the end of my rope with this car, and I can't keep being late to work because the car is always breaking down! Frankly, we all deserve better!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 2nd August, 2004

2nd Aug 2004, 13:42

You should have kept that Olds!

30th Aug 2004, 03:46

I agree, i have a pontiac grand "lemon" too!!!

6th Apr 2005, 12:57

I also have had problems with my grand prix. I have had to replace the alternator, heater blower, my ac also drained on the floor. Now my front power windows do not work and my windshield wipers stop in the middle of the windshield. They still work, but they stop in the wrong spot. This car has been nothing, but trouble.

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP 3.8 supercharge from North America




Very bad oil leak gaskets are going out.

Rear end went out had to get a new one.

Relay fuse blew.

Left window motor went out.

Cd player never did work.

Eating up tires had to replace 4 times in 5 months.

Air conditioner motor went out had to replace.

Battery cable was just sitting on there broke off.

Check engine light came on and has a hole in the air compressor had to fix.

Pulley for the turbo charge broke twice had to replace also.

The resistor went out had to replace that too.

And this has all happened within a year, but here is the dang kicker. My car started on fire today and totalled it. Started under the hood and we think it is the relay fuse box that started it. It was sitting in the garage and I had just drove it too. Only been home 5 minutes before it happened.

General Comments:

I would not advise anyone to buy this p.o.s. it is too much of a hassle and nickel and dimes you to death. I will never ever buy another one. They look awesome, but not worth the money and the time. just makes me mad and only had not even 90,000 miles on it. what a pile.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 25th May, 2007

17th Apr 2009, 23:34

Rear end went out? This car is front wheel drive... what are you talking about? The trunk fell off?

The window motors rarely "go out", they just get slow. It was probably the switch contacts getting dirty. Simple free fix.

Eating up tires? Have you had it aligned? Have you had your right foot checked?

Air conditioner motor went out? Blower motor, or A/C compressor?

Battery cable broke? That's interesting.

Air compressor? What do you mean?

Pulley for the turbo charger broke off? It doesn't have a turbo, it's a supercharger. And how does the pulley break?

I assume you mean the resistor to the blower motor, this is a common problem with Grand Prixs.

Your car probably started on fire because the valve cover gaskets were leaking and you didn't fix them. As a result the oil dripped on the exhaust manifolds after heavy braking, therefore causing a fire after you parked it.

Sounds like it wasn't maintained well and had the life beaten out of it.