1998 Pontiac Grand Prix Sport 6 cylinder from North America
Pontiac Gran Prix is a comfortable piece of junk
The heads up display was not calibrated with the speedometer thus two different speeds were displayed. The dealer shrugged this off for two years as unimportant.
The 1998 Gran Prix streams water in from the right front passenger side whenever it rains. The dealer was notified of this a year after purchase and ignored it like everything else. It floods every time it rains.
A low speed rear end hit ripped the drivers seat out of the floor. As usual, it took the dealership four or five tries and a year to put the seat back half correctly. It should not have ripped out in the first place with such a low speed impact.
I have used two sets of tires already and have them balanced and aligned frequently. Something is definitely wrong here.
The electronics viz. windows, seats etc are frequently in the shop for repair.
General Comments:
This is a comfortable car, but it is a piece of junk backed up by GM/Pontiac and dealership unscrupulous and disingenuous business practices.
The electronics problems, leaking and other technical problems are well known and documented by the manufacturer and Consumers Union. It is time for class action lawsuits.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No
Review Date: 17th November, 2002
25th Mar 2004, 07:12
I have a 2000 Grand Prix and I had the same problems with my blower motor... it made a chirping sound between speeds 1 and 3. the dealership couldn't find a problem with it until it just quit working one morning. My motor was replaced around 50,000 miles... so you're not alone!