1998 Pontiac Grand Prix from North America


Overall I think it's a great car


My supercharger pulley was making a rattling noise when I was speeding down the road. I took it to the dealership and they told me that the pulley was loose. They told me that they would replace it for $75, so I paid it and moved on.

About a month later the car wasn't running right, so I had my uncle run a diagnostic test on it and it said that nothing was wrong.

In my free time I love working on it. The people who think that they can buy a sports car and expect it to run forever without regular maintenance are crazy. If you start so work on them and take care of them, it will make a huge difference.

General Comments:

This is one of my favorite cars, and I've always wanted one, but my parents said that it was too fast for me, but once I took them with me for a test drive before I purchased it, they were sold. I think they wanted it more than me.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 12th April, 2009

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 3.8L V6 from North America


This is a great overall car gives you a little bit of everything


I got this car with 88300 miles on and I had the car about a week and the low battery light came on, but the dealership told me the owner before me had put a new one in before they gave it to the dealership so the alternator went bad and got that replaced. That is the only thing that went wrong with the car so far.

General Comments:

This car has great torque off the line which gives it good acceleration.

Since it is a automatic transmission its acceleration is limited to a point.

When I push the car to high speeds it takes forever to get it up to a hundred-ten miles per hour. I've beaten Nissan 300Zx's, eighties firebirds, and other imports in this car.

I love the way this car handles it has a really nice stick to the ground.

This is a good first car for someone to own. I get about 22 miles per gallon so it isn't bad on gas fillups.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 10th November, 2005

11th Apr 2007, 21:47

The non-turbo 300ZX is not a very fast car. I've beaten them in my old 1972 Plymouth Duster with the 318. Most late-model GM V-6's are adequate to beat a non-turbo 300ZX. The turbo version is faster, but the turbos were so unreliable that I doubt that any of them are still around now.

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 3.8 from North America


This car has been one of the most trouble free cars I have owned, and this is my fifteenth car


I had an extended warranty so right before it expired at 100,000 I had the dealer do a complete check of everything. Besides regular maintenance, like coolant flush and serpentine belt, this is what was replaced; upper manifold gasket, bearing and hub assembly right front wheel, and the radio display lights were not working.

Around 120,000 the alternator had to be replaced.

General Comments:

The car mostly saw highway and back road miles. I changed the brakes every 60,000 miles, though they hardly needed it. Oil was changed when indicator light came on.

Great traveling car, good ride and handling. Could have been a bit peppier when passing.

Good gas mileage for a car this size and horsepower, around 25 mpg.

I read comments about bad paint. This has to be one of the best paint jobs I have seen on a car. Got waxed twice a year. The finish still beads and looks like new.

Overall I have been very pleased with this car.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 29th December, 2004

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT Coupe 3.8 V6 from North America


Good car that can take a beating


The typical Grand Prix things have gone wrong.

The power windows went out right after the warranty was up. (Dealer wouldn't do anything.)

The headlight fogs up. (One was replaced due to accident.)

The display on the stereo broke.

The belt tensioner froze up.

I recently replaced the alternator, battery, and water pump.

General Comments:

This car is a very good size and sure can take a beating.

As a result it has had over six thousand dollars worth of body work and survived being hit by an idiot driving a semi running a red light, a drunk backing into it with a Buick Lesabre, and the latest, two stupid potheads backing into it with a Bronco.

This car is very affordable to maintain and still looks good aside from the normal dents and dings.

The car has very good performance and surprisingly enough it is pretty comfortable.

At just over $23,000, the Grand Prix was a little pricey, but then again what car isn't?

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 25th February, 2003