1998 Pontiac Grand Prix from North America
Overall I think it's a great car
My supercharger pulley was making a rattling noise when I was speeding down the road. I took it to the dealership and they told me that the pulley was loose. They told me that they would replace it for $75, so I paid it and moved on.
About a month later the car wasn't running right, so I had my uncle run a diagnostic test on it and it said that nothing was wrong.
In my free time I love working on it. The people who think that they can buy a sports car and expect it to run forever without regular maintenance are crazy. If you start so work on them and take care of them, it will make a huge difference.
General Comments:
This is one of my favorite cars, and I've always wanted one, but my parents said that it was too fast for me, but once I took them with me for a test drive before I purchased it, they were sold. I think they wanted it more than me.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes
Review Date: 12th April, 2009
11th Apr 2007, 21:47
The non-turbo 300ZX is not a very fast car. I've beaten them in my old 1972 Plymouth Duster with the 318. Most late-model GM V-6's are adequate to beat a non-turbo 300ZX. The turbo version is faster, but the turbos were so unreliable that I doubt that any of them are still around now.