1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT Sedan 3.8L from North America


A fun sports car that does not sacrifice utility or comfort


The air conditioning compressor seized at 28,000 miles and was replaced under warranty.

At 33,000 miles the headlights were filling from every rain so they were also replaced.

The battery has been replaced twice, which is almost normal considering our Miami summers.

The alternator went out at 55,000 miles, but was quick and easy to replace.

The Mass Airflow Sensor failed at 72,000 miles.

General Comments:

I was quite taken with the overall performance when new and that feeling has diminished only slightly now after nearly 80,000 miles.

The interior is quite comfortable and well laid out.

The suspension isn't very forgiving and seems to bottom out more than it should. Replacing the struts has helped only slightly.

I very much like the overall design: It looks sporty and drives well, but has 4 doors and can carry 5 people with ample trunk space.

The V-6 engine has gobs of low-end torque and offers great acceleration while still delivering 22-26 mpg overall economy.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 17th November, 2002

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 3.8 from North America


I will never purchase from GM again


I bought the car with barely 90000 miles on it and everything worked fine. The features were great and it looked awesome. I have had it for less than one month and everything has gone wrong. It has terrible gas mileage, less than what websites say. The electronic display for how much fuel you have used and how mnay miles you have left continues to not turn on. When you start the car, it takes about a half an hour to turn on. There was recently a short in the car and now whenever I turn it on, it usually does not turn back on. The power windows will work just fine, but then they will roll down sometimes and they will not go up at all. Don't roll them down when it is cold outside. I hope that I never purchase another car from GM again. The car looks great, but it does not operate worth crap.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 15th May, 2006

15th May 2006, 20:19

How can you blame the manufacturer for an 8 year old car with over 90,000 miles on it?

You seem to have expected a NEW car!!!

16th May 2006, 05:17

Like the commenter above I fail to see how General Motors is at fault. However I will give you some advice: If your getting poor mpg try taking it in for a tune up. Odds are you need your O2 sensor replaced and perhaps it's time for plugs as well. AS for your electrical issues, you may have a bad ground. Again when you take it into the mechanic he'll be able to diagnose it for you. This car needs maintenance. All cars do over their life. It's your job as the vehicle owner to keep it running properly, not GM's.

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix SE 3.1 V6 from North America


If you can't afford a foreign car, buy one of these


Aside from the Intake Manifold Gasket needing to be replaced, a cost of $700-$800, (which is a problem with most 97-00 Pontiac's and some Buicks) there have been no maintenance problems or requirements other than what is typically needed.

The front struts and tie rods were replaced around 118,000 miles. The rear struts are still the factory ones, pretty good considering they're supposed to be replaced after 60,000 miles.

Other than brakes squealing due to ceramic and not carbon installation, no problems.

Poor acceleration after 120,000 miles.

Digital clock display messed up.

Volume knob touchy.

General Comments:

Good handling.

Great turn radius.

Bad acceleration with high miles.

Excellent paint. Some was chipped off and there is no rusting or wear along the missing paint.

Radio is really messed up. Volume knob is touchy and digital clock sometimes doesn't display properly.

Excellent in snow and on ice with the proper tires.

Lots of cargo space in trunk.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 28th July, 2007

3rd Jan 2008, 01:30

Update on the review...

The dash is starting to separate near the windshield, probably from temperature fluctuation during winter (the car is located in Wisc).

Had to replace the windshield wiper motor due to using them with too much weight on the wipers. Total cost was about $106.00.

Car still runs great, starts well even at negative temperatures and still has decent acceleration considering it now has over 133,000mi on it. Gas mileage is still about 22/28.

I really want a new car, but will keep this one until it craps out, which may be a few more years!

Still a great car, and I'll probably buy another Grand Prix when I get a new one.

27th Sep 2009, 14:49

After 8 years of driving an 11 year old GM vehicle, this car is officially done. My head gasket is leaking exhaust gas into the cooling system. It's a $2000.00 repair and the car just isn't worth that much.

My rear strut is STILL the factory, over 149,000 miles on factory installed strut!

Brakes were bottom of the line installed in 2006 and now the rear brakes are ready to be changed, front brakes will need changing in about 6-12 months. Not bad at all considering I got over 45,000 mi out of them.

Time to save up for a new car... perhaps another Grand Prix!

26th Jan 2011, 22:08

Just a note to say that I have a 98 Grand Prix SE with the 3.1L, 379,000 kms on the odometer and still use it every day, even for long trips. I live in Montreal so extremely aggressive climate.

A few minor things, but the best car ever!

NB: I kept my last GM for over 250K kms, Japanese can kiss GM's butt.