1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT Sedan 3.8L from North America
A fun sports car that does not sacrifice utility or comfort
The air conditioning compressor seized at 28,000 miles and was replaced under warranty.
At 33,000 miles the headlights were filling from every rain so they were also replaced.
The battery has been replaced twice, which is almost normal considering our Miami summers.
The alternator went out at 55,000 miles, but was quick and easy to replace.
The Mass Airflow Sensor failed at 72,000 miles.
General Comments:
I was quite taken with the overall performance when new and that feeling has diminished only slightly now after nearly 80,000 miles.
The interior is quite comfortable and well laid out.
The suspension isn't very forgiving and seems to bottom out more than it should. Replacing the struts has helped only slightly.
I very much like the overall design: It looks sporty and drives well, but has 4 doors and can carry 5 people with ample trunk space.
The V-6 engine has gobs of low-end torque and offers great acceleration while still delivering 22-26 mpg overall economy.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes
Review Date: 17th November, 2002
15th May 2006, 20:19
How can you blame the manufacturer for an 8 year old car with over 90,000 miles on it?
You seem to have expected a NEW car!!!