1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP 3.8L Supercharged from North America


I love her


I bought the car from an older lady I used to work with for $400 because she thought the transmission had gone out. Upon further inspection I decided to change the fluid and filter. Once this was done the tranny worked fine. However I do expect to have problems with it later on.

General Comments:

This car is a coupe which is a definite plus for me. It has a firm but still very nice ride. I've put it through a few pretty sharp curves well above the suggested speed and it hugged the road beautifully. The cabin noise is really quiet considering the throaty sound of the engine from outside the car. I like the easy and convenient layout of the controls in the cockpit. Performance is awesome. It will make very short work of my V8 Cougar.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 23rd December, 2008

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP 3.8 supercharged V6 from North America


Affordable, luxury sports sedan


The headlamp lenses have fallen off on both the driver and passenger side of the vehicle. The dealer is giving me the runaround on whether this is a warranty issue or not. I purchased an extended warranty from the dealer at the time of purchase, which now seems to have been a mistake.

General Comments:

I've been fairly happy with this car. With the exception of the headlamp covers, I have nothing negative to say.

It has more power than any other vehicle in its class, and maintenance has been minimal.

Be sure to read the extended warranty offers carefully. Some of the GMAC extended warranty plans cover fewer componenets than the original vehicle warranty. In addition, some of the extended offers increase the years of coverage while only slightly increasing the mileage covered; I was burned by this.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 4th January, 2001

17th Feb 2001, 12:15

Service contracts are, in my opinion, a must have on any of today's automobiles. I have had one on all of my cars since my first, a 1991 Nissan Sentra SE-R. I had two transmission replacements and the drive shafts replaced twice. Also had a smattering of smaller, electrical repairs done.

My current car, a 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP has a 6/100 GM Major Guard, $200 deductible. So long as you know how many miles per year you drive, you can't go wrong. I have had, so far under the original factory warranty, the cruise control module replaced, the front and rear valve cover gaskets replaced, multiple adjustments to the shifter mechanism to eliminate a rattle, a new stereo installed, a new right rear woofer installed, two blower fans installed and a new gasket around the air inlet to the HVAC system. By no means does that make my car any worse than any other car on the road, but I have no reason to believe that when my GTP rolls over 36,000 in about a month and a half, all the little things will stop going wrong.

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 3.8 from North America


$7,000 piece of crap!!


Well a 77,000 miles the motor had to be replaced!!! What else could go wrong.

General Comments:

This car was a 7,000 dollar piece of royal crap. I have only had the car 2 months and had to put well over 2,000 just to keep it running!!! Not to mention the power windows refuse to go up and down. My door panel's are falling off. My rear struts have gone bad and the passenger side of the car leaks water on the floor now. When I looked at the car and test drove it there was none of these things wrong with it except the door panel's, but I did not think that was a big deal. the interior and exterior were excelent, but the mechanic part was obviously not.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 15th January, 2007

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 3.8 from North America


A piece of crap


I just had the transmission rebuilt. It cost $2228. Yeah I think I got ripped off there! Of course warranty only covered $1000 of it, I had to pay $1200!

Just took it in today to have my squeeky brakes looked at, only to find out I'm leaking engine coolant like crazy! Apparently I need a new Rad now! Isn't that great!!!

Got a blown passenger fog light. Condensation like crazy in the front headlights (headlight covers, cover that up real good!)

Only had this car for a month and a couple days and I'm ready to put it up for sale! What a piece of junk!

General Comments:

Rides smooth (now), nice interior! Heads up display is a nice touch.

As for under the hood, REALLY CHEAPLY BUILT!!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 6th May, 2003