1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP 3.8 supercharged from North America
Best running vehicle ever made
Only major problem with my grand prix was changing the spark plugs and wires. This really is not a problem since it should be done on every car at least every 30,000. It seems like most of the Grand Prix owners have not been taking good care of their vehicles, simply because of the forum details I have read. Every car needs to be taken care of, you cannot just let it go and then hope for the best, every car requires the proper tuning at one point or another, so quit cryin about every little detail, and go get yourself one of those rice burners that only have 120hp. Maybe you will be happier with one of those. Thank you.
Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes
Review Date: 13th January, 2007
25th Oct 2001, 12:27
I would like to know, if it's possible, what was the problem with leaking on the front passenger side in one of the reviews. I have a leak at the front passenger side and nobody can locate it, however when it rains or when I wash my car, water keeps getting in. By the way it's a 1998 Grand Prix GTP. This is the only problem with this car.