1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP 3.8 supercharged from North America


Best running vehicle ever made


Only major problem with my grand prix was changing the spark plugs and wires. This really is not a problem since it should be done on every car at least every 30,000. It seems like most of the Grand Prix owners have not been taking good care of their vehicles, simply because of the forum details I have read. Every car needs to be taken care of, you cannot just let it go and then hope for the best, every car requires the proper tuning at one point or another, so quit cryin about every little detail, and go get yourself one of those rice burners that only have 120hp. Maybe you will be happier with one of those. Thank you.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 13th January, 2007

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 3.8L V6 from North America


Good performance for the price


Only real one thing went bad with my Grand Prix and when I got the car it had 88000 miles on it. THe alternator went out, so I had to get a new one, and thank god it had a 90 day warranty on it. I got the car used at a Chevrolet Dealership.

Some of the interior lights on the controls have gone out, but the car is getting old and those are easy to replace.

General Comments:

THis car has amazing torque off of the line. This car has nice acceleration, handling and makes good for what it has cause the speed governor always holds the car back. I beat a Nissan 300zx, eighties firebirds, and other imported cars.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 17th November, 2005

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP 3.8 series supercharged from North America


A good car for the money, if it is treated with care and respect


Mostly exterior problems; the front and rear bumpers have been falling apart in the extreme cold this winter.

Otherwise, the only thing wrong under the hood was the shifter cable; it's electric converter had to be disconnected to cut off all power to the car at time of engine disengage while in park. The previous owner apparently had spilled pop and other sticky beverages all over the console and junked up the cable.

General Comments:

So far this Grand Prix GTP has proven reliable and I tend to drive it hard, racing whenever I can. Overall performance is good, especially around corners and curves. It is a great looking car that runs well and is very fun to drive.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 15th February, 2007

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP 3.8 supercharged from North America


I love my GTP!


My GTP has been great to me. I have had it for over four years and put over 70,000 miles on it. It has taken me across the country and back at 173000.

The only things I have had to replace are both tensioner pulleys, both belts, low coolant sensor, passenger side half shaft, driver side tie rod, plugs, wires, 1 coil, and a little oil.

That wouldn't be too bad, except now I am in the process of replacing a fuel injector, driver side window motor and regulator, and that rattle in the supercharger, the coupler.

General Comments:

Add a smaller s.c. pulley, Venom injectors, super chip, and exhaust, and you have one fast V6!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 29th November, 2007

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 3.8L from North America


The whole package


At 95,000 miles my whole upper plentim had to be replaced.

After the first week I had the car the ignition did not release the key when it was in park.

Sunroof was touchy and didn't want to vent half the time so you had to pop it up with your hand and then open it.

Also, at 116,000 last night my car started fire and is now totalled... Transmission fluid leaked out somehow and got onto engine causing it to start fire while I was driving.

General Comments:

Car is sporty and quick. Very roomy and comfy. Love it overall for the looks, gas mileage and price to maintain.. not very expensive at all.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 17th April, 2006

1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP from North America


Great performance, but needs some fine tuning to detail


I've had two major leaks in the front passanger side.

Two major leaks in the trunk.

Stereo replaced 4 times for problems with the CD player and tape deck.

Rear speaker replaced 3 times - making a cracking noise when it rained (probably from water coming into the trunk).

Lost both front headlight covers - they are glued on.

Thin rain guard came off from the front of the car.

Rear bench seat is not set properly, screws are missing on the bottom.

General Comments:

The engine is great.

It runs smooth and sharp.

However the gas pedal is too far to the right, and it's uncomfortable when driving for long distances.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 31st August, 2001

25th Oct 2001, 12:27

I would like to know, if it's possible, what was the problem with leaking on the front passenger side in one of the reviews. I have a leak at the front passenger side and nobody can locate it, however when it rains or when I wash my car, water keeps getting in. By the way it's a 1998 Grand Prix GTP. This is the only problem with this car.